May 31, 2009

Swine flu pandemic likely to hit UK in early autumn before vaccine ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Swine flu pandemic likely to hit UK in early autumn before vaccine ...
The UK is likely to be struck by a swine flu pandemic in the early autumn before a vaccine is available, an influenza expert said yesterday. ...
June 1, 2009


Hotels are no place for swine flu sufferers
It is inappropriate to expect hotels to accommodate people diagnosed with swine flu and it is inconsistent with agreed protocols for dealing with a pandemic ...
June 1, 2009
Australian Hospitality Magazine

Japan Flocks to Ostrich Masks to Help Fight Swine Flu Paranoia
Tsukamoto is now testing whether his antibodies are safe and effective as treatments in the event of a pandemic involving a virus as deadly as the bird flu. ...
June 1, 2009

Number of A/H1N1 flu cases on Chinese mainland rises to 33
... step up preparations for vaccine production during an inspection of Sinovac, the only Chinese company qualified to produce vaccines for a flu pandemic. ...
June 1, 2009
People's Daily Online

Fourth case of swine flu confirmed
Ireland has placed a number of contracts to ensure the country will have enough vaccine in the event of a pandemic. Under the WHO's alert system on a ...
June 1, 2009
Irish Examiner

Swine flu cruise ship Pacific Dawn docks in Sydney
Premier John Brumby admitted the state's pandemic emergency plan was almost inevitably going to move up a notch. At least 11 schools have now been shut as ...,21985,25567394-661,00.html
June 1, 2009
Melbourne Herald Sun

美通社(亞洲) 中國新聞
該組織包括隸屬于Spanish Society of Medical Oncology 的醫學腫瘤專家以及與頭頸部腫瘤研究和治療相關的其他健康專業人員。該組織的主要目標是促進基本的流行病學臨床研究,為患者和醫生提供教育,以及向西班牙普通大眾傳播頭頸部腫瘤領域相關的信息。
PR Newswire (Asia) China News
Part of the organization including the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology and medical oncologist and head and neck cancer research and treatment related to other health professionals. The main objectives of the organization is to promote basic clinical epidemiological study, for patients and doctors to provide education, as well as the dissemination of the Spanish general public areas of head and neck cancer-related information.
June 1, 2009

根據臨床表現、流行病學調查和實驗室檢驗結果,初步診斷為輸入性甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。 患者,男,20歲,武漢市人,現為加拿大留學生。加拿大時間5月24日晚,患者乘飛機途經韓國到廣州,在廣州停留2天,28日20時55分從廣州乘T120車次(07車廂,14號上鋪),於29日上午7:40 ...
Hubei found the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza
According to clinical manifestations, epidemiological investigation and laboratory test results, the initial diagnosis of imported cases of suspected influenza H1N1 influenza. Patients, male, 20 years old, Wuhan City, and is currently a student in Canada. Canada May 24 evening, the patient flew via South Korea to Guangzhou, stay two days in Guangzhou, at 20:55 on the 28th from Guangzhou by train number T120 (07 cars, on the 14th floor), at 7 am on the 29th : 40 ...
June 1, 2009

舒跃龙告诉本报记者,历次大流感流行已经留下警告:第二波、第三波疫情往往死亡的人数要大大超过第一波。现在,国内外流感专家判断,第二波疫情可能会在秋天到来。 《21世纪》:目前加入全球参比中心的难题有哪些? 舒跃龙:制约因素确实很多。如果用美国CDC参比中心作比较,首先在硬件上差距很大,技术操作大家都能掌握,特别需要国家 ...
Vaccine production: China needs to participate in the global reference center
舒跃龙told this reporter that all the great influenza pandemic has left a warning: the second wave, third wave of the epidemic the number of deaths is often much more than the first wave. At present, domestic and international influenza experts, the second wave of the epidemic may be coming in the fall. "21st Century": The Center to participate in the global reference What are the problems?舒跃龙: did a lot of constraints. If the United States Center for CDC reference for comparison, first of all, a great gap in the hardware, you can master the technical operations, in particular the needs of the country ...
June 1, 2009

Bed-tracking system may be just what the doctor ordered in ...
How ever, it is now being rolled out to help with infection control – and might prove invaluable in the case of a swine flu pandemic being declared. ...
June 1, 2009

Two Scottish children are struck down by swine flu
Prof Oxford, an expert in virology at Queen Mary School of Medicine, University of London, said he was certain that a flu pandemic would emerge. ...
June 1, 2009

Swine Flu pandemic DNA Tests Kits
Bid to develop a vaccine as a solution to worries of a possible swine flu pandemic. Scientists at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory have managed to ...
June 1, 2009
Wessex Scene Online

Stocks to watch
... has placed a $US180 million ($A232 million) order with CSL for a vaccine antigen against swine flu as part of preparations to combat a flu pandemic. ...
June 1, 2009
The Age

Feedback: Experts weigh in on Cubes & Crayons
... including the H1N1 swine influenza, Avian bird flu epidemic, public health issues, emergency operations planning and crisis management preparedness, ...
June 1, 2009

台灣的中央流行疫情指揮中心31號表示,台灣出現第12例H1N1新型流感確定病例,患者是33歲的貿易商。這名男子在27號晚間從美國紐約回到台灣,在飛機上就已經有發燒症狀。 中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,這名男子搭乘的是頭等艙,所以近距離沒有其他乘客;但他回到台灣之後曾到 ...
New type of influenza outbreaks in Taiwan increased to 12 cases of first
Taiwan's central command center epidemic outbreak on the 31st that the first 12 cases of Taiwan a new type of influenza H1N1 confirmed cases, the patient is a 33-year-old trader. The man on the 27th night in New York, returned to Taiwan from the United States, the plane has already developed a fever. Prevalence of the epidemic, said the central command center, the man is traveling first class, so there are no other passengers at close range; but he had returned to Taiwan after ...
June 1, 2009

All set for Mansarovar yatra
The Chinese government did not gave permission for the Yatra in 2007 due to the widespread bird flu. Last year, internal trouble was said to be the cause, ...
June 1, 2009
The Statesman

Twenty-Six People Disallowed in Six Provinces Suspected of Being ...
Yesterday, fever hospitals in six provinces have disallowed twenty-six people suspected of being infected by the bird flu symptoms. ...
June 1, 2009

郑州四色预警传染病疫情 红色预警国家发布或省长签发
今报郑州讯面对“非典”、“禽流感”、“H1N1流感”等重大传染病疫情,郑州将分“红、橙、黄、蓝”四色向公众预警,最高级预警将由国家发布或由省长签发。 郑州四通八达,人员流动性大,各类传染性疾病的传播与流行几率较高。昨天,郑州市政府发布了《郑州市突发公共卫生事件应急预案》(以下简称《预案》),对行政区域内突然发生,造成或者可能 ...
Zhengzhou, four-color red early-warning infectious disease outbreak early warning issued by the State Governor to publish or
Zhengzhou hearing at the face of this "atypical pneumonia", "bird flu", "H1N1 influenza" and other major infectious diseases, Zhengzhou will be divided into "red, orange, yellow, blue," four-color to the public warning, the most advanced countries will be issued early warning or issued by the governor. Zhengzhou, extending in all directions, staff mobility, the spread of various types of infectious diseases with high prevalence of probability. Yesterday, the Zhengzhou city government issued a "public health emergencies Zhengzhou contingency plan" (hereinafter referred to as "plans"), administrative region of a sudden, causing or likely ...
June 1, 2009

bird flu hits Bengal again
Even as the threat of swine flu continues, a fresh outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird flu) has been reported from West Bengal. ...
June 1, 2009
Business Standard

Experts said unprepared for swine flu
This year's swine flu outbreak refuted many of the predictions about how the next large-scale flu pandemic would originate and spread, experts say. ...
June 1, 2009

新型インフルエンザによるパンデミックが現実味を帯び,さまざまな対策がとられる一方で,マンパワー不足も指摘されている。感染症専門家の養成は一朝一夕にできるものではないが,将来の新たなパンデミック対策のためにもますます重要なものとなっていくと考えられる。 ...
The Infectious Diseases Society of Japan held 83 times
Taken on a new flu pandemic is real, while the various measures taken, as has been pointed out lack of manpower. Training of specialists in infectious diseases is not possible in a short time, we will become increasingly important for the future of measures PANDEMIKKU. ...
June 1, 2009

Accertati 30 casi di influenza in Italia
L'organizzazione mondiale della Sanità ha fatto sapere che è ancora del tutto scongiurato il rischio di una pandemia di influenza, che ha provocato molti ...
Make 30 cases of influenza in Italy
The World Health Organization has indicated that it is still the risk of a pandemic flu, which caused many ...
June 1, 2009
Tuscia Web

La pandemia de gripe porcina que se originó hace unas semanas en México es una muestra más de cómo el miedo y la ansiedad se propagan más rápido que la ...
AUTOMATIC del miedo LA Culture By: David Rodríguez Seoane
The swine flu epidemic that originated in Mexico a few weeks ago is another example of how fear and anxiety is spreading faster than ...
June 1, 2009
El Informante

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