May 21, 2009

Past pandemics Provide Mixed Clues to h1n1's Next Moves …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Past pandemics Provide Mixed Clues to h1n1's Next Moves
... and geography of pandemic flu, the relationship between the new viruses and existing ones, and the behavior of this new h1n1's parent viruses in swine.
May 22, 2009
Science Magazine (subscription)

Swine flu symptoms and facts: do I have swine flu?
Confirmed Victorian cases of swine flu are bringing the pandemic closer to home for Tasmanians. Tasmanian health authorities have tested 22 people and ruled ...
May 22, 2009
Tasmania Examiner

Group decides priorities for swine flu vaccines
This spring's swine flu outbreak and feared pandemic will keep health officials watching influenza numbers throughout the summer. ...
May 22, 2009
Jackson Hole News

Senate passes $91.3 billion war funding bill
The Senate bill includes $1.5 billion as cautionary funding to fight a possible flu pandemic, including the current outbreak of H1N1 swine flu. ...
May 22, 2009
The Daily Advance

Most Doctors Not Concerned of H1N1 Influenza
The risk of H1N1 flu resulting in a “catastrophic pandemic” was also thought to be minimal. No lifestyle or behavior change occurred for six of every ten ...
May 22, 2009

Plan to share supplies in 13 countries
He said although other regions have begun to acquire the technology to produce influenza vaccines, access to effective pandemic vaccines was a major problem ...
May 22, 2009
New Straits Times

Exit screening put to WHO
The exit screening is one way of averting the spread and a pandemic outbreak. It is prudent for people who are ill with fever and influenza-like symptoms ...
May 22, 2009
New Straits Times

Travel industry needs clearer information when crisis arises
WHO's pandemic level designations are based on geographical spread not the severity of the virus, and many delegates at the summit in Brazil found the ...
May 22, 2009
e-Travel Blackboard (press release)

Swine flu didn't accelerate air capacity slowdown: OAG
... and while signals the tenth month of slowdown, also shows that airlines didn't rush in to pull capacity in the face of pandemic fears. ...
May 22, 2009
e-Travel Blackboard (press release)

Hungary seeks to find footing in a world turned upside down
... on its language laws, the case of the Hungarian citizens accused of terrorism in Bolivia and the swine flu virus, which could become a pandemic. ...
May 22, 2009
Budapest Times

Hospital's loss another's gain?
Given the recent, most serious threats to mankind with the pandemic flu scare in Mexico, it would make sense we would want to have our finger on the pulse ...
May 22, 2009

Reason behind possible partial immunity of older adults to swine ...
That's because the United States vaccinated more than 40 million people in 1976 against a swine flu virus that was feared to be poised to start a pandemic. ...
May 22, 2009
The Canadian Press

Student has Brown's first swine flu case
The University expanded its existing crisis management committee several weeks ago at the height of national concern about a possible pandemic, ...
May 22, 2009
The Brown Daily Herald

青海新闻网讯为保护我省广大群众身体健康,做好公众甲型H1N1流感防控工作,省卫生厅20日向社会发出公告:请来自或7日内到过甲型H1N1流感流行国家和地区的人员自觉减少外出活动,避免前往人群拥挤场所和参加集体活动,发生流感样症状,应立即到当地医疗机构的发热门诊就诊。 公告说,近期来自或7日内到过甲型H1N1流感流行的国家或地区的人员 ...
Province of influenza have been to endemic countries and regions, the request of staff
News Qinghai province to protect the hearing health of the masses, do a good job in the public alpha H1N1 influenza prevention and control work on the 20th the Ministry of Health has issued a notice to the community: Please come from, or 7 days have been Type A Influenza H1N1-endemic countries and regions consciously go out activities to reduce the staff to avoid going to crowded places and to take part in collective activities, the occurrence of influenza-like symptoms immediately to the local medical institutions and out-patient treatment of fever. Notice that the recent or 7 days from the H1N1 influenza pandemic over the country or region of the staff ...
May 22, 2009

Health Care Reform and the Disability Community
... of a flu pandemic or similar emergency, people with intellectual disabilities as well as those with chronic health conditions may be excluded from care. ...
May 22, 2009
Huffington Post

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