May 31, 2009

Swine flu pandemic likely to hit UK in early autumn before vaccine ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Swine flu pandemic likely to hit UK in early autumn before vaccine ...
The UK is likely to be struck by a swine flu pandemic in the early autumn before a vaccine is available, an influenza expert said yesterday. ...
June 1, 2009


Hotels are no place for swine flu sufferers
It is inappropriate to expect hotels to accommodate people diagnosed with swine flu and it is inconsistent with agreed protocols for dealing with a pandemic ...
June 1, 2009
Australian Hospitality Magazine

Japan Flocks to Ostrich Masks to Help Fight Swine Flu Paranoia
Tsukamoto is now testing whether his antibodies are safe and effective as treatments in the event of a pandemic involving a virus as deadly as the bird flu. ...
June 1, 2009

Number of A/H1N1 flu cases on Chinese mainland rises to 33
... step up preparations for vaccine production during an inspection of Sinovac, the only Chinese company qualified to produce vaccines for a flu pandemic. ...
June 1, 2009
People's Daily Online

Fourth case of swine flu confirmed
Ireland has placed a number of contracts to ensure the country will have enough vaccine in the event of a pandemic. Under the WHO's alert system on a ...
June 1, 2009
Irish Examiner

Swine flu cruise ship Pacific Dawn docks in Sydney
Premier John Brumby admitted the state's pandemic emergency plan was almost inevitably going to move up a notch. At least 11 schools have now been shut as ...,21985,25567394-661,00.html
June 1, 2009
Melbourne Herald Sun

美通社(亞洲) 中國新聞
該組織包括隸屬于Spanish Society of Medical Oncology 的醫學腫瘤專家以及與頭頸部腫瘤研究和治療相關的其他健康專業人員。該組織的主要目標是促進基本的流行病學臨床研究,為患者和醫生提供教育,以及向西班牙普通大眾傳播頭頸部腫瘤領域相關的信息。
PR Newswire (Asia) China News
Part of the organization including the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology and medical oncologist and head and neck cancer research and treatment related to other health professionals. The main objectives of the organization is to promote basic clinical epidemiological study, for patients and doctors to provide education, as well as the dissemination of the Spanish general public areas of head and neck cancer-related information.
June 1, 2009

根據臨床表現、流行病學調查和實驗室檢驗結果,初步診斷為輸入性甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。 患者,男,20歲,武漢市人,現為加拿大留學生。加拿大時間5月24日晚,患者乘飛機途經韓國到廣州,在廣州停留2天,28日20時55分從廣州乘T120車次(07車廂,14號上鋪),於29日上午7:40 ...
Hubei found the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza
According to clinical manifestations, epidemiological investigation and laboratory test results, the initial diagnosis of imported cases of suspected influenza H1N1 influenza. Patients, male, 20 years old, Wuhan City, and is currently a student in Canada. Canada May 24 evening, the patient flew via South Korea to Guangzhou, stay two days in Guangzhou, at 20:55 on the 28th from Guangzhou by train number T120 (07 cars, on the 14th floor), at 7 am on the 29th : 40 ...
June 1, 2009

舒跃龙告诉本报记者,历次大流感流行已经留下警告:第二波、第三波疫情往往死亡的人数要大大超过第一波。现在,国内外流感专家判断,第二波疫情可能会在秋天到来。 《21世纪》:目前加入全球参比中心的难题有哪些? 舒跃龙:制约因素确实很多。如果用美国CDC参比中心作比较,首先在硬件上差距很大,技术操作大家都能掌握,特别需要国家 ...
Vaccine production: China needs to participate in the global reference center
舒跃龙told this reporter that all the great influenza pandemic has left a warning: the second wave, third wave of the epidemic the number of deaths is often much more than the first wave. At present, domestic and international influenza experts, the second wave of the epidemic may be coming in the fall. "21st Century": The Center to participate in the global reference What are the problems?舒跃龙: did a lot of constraints. If the United States Center for CDC reference for comparison, first of all, a great gap in the hardware, you can master the technical operations, in particular the needs of the country ...
June 1, 2009

Bed-tracking system may be just what the doctor ordered in ...
How ever, it is now being rolled out to help with infection control – and might prove invaluable in the case of a swine flu pandemic being declared. ...
June 1, 2009

Two Scottish children are struck down by swine flu
Prof Oxford, an expert in virology at Queen Mary School of Medicine, University of London, said he was certain that a flu pandemic would emerge. ...
June 1, 2009

Swine Flu pandemic DNA Tests Kits
Bid to develop a vaccine as a solution to worries of a possible swine flu pandemic. Scientists at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory have managed to ...
June 1, 2009
Wessex Scene Online

Stocks to watch
... has placed a $US180 million ($A232 million) order with CSL for a vaccine antigen against swine flu as part of preparations to combat a flu pandemic. ...
June 1, 2009
The Age

Feedback: Experts weigh in on Cubes & Crayons
... including the H1N1 swine influenza, Avian bird flu epidemic, public health issues, emergency operations planning and crisis management preparedness, ...
June 1, 2009

台灣的中央流行疫情指揮中心31號表示,台灣出現第12例H1N1新型流感確定病例,患者是33歲的貿易商。這名男子在27號晚間從美國紐約回到台灣,在飛機上就已經有發燒症狀。 中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,這名男子搭乘的是頭等艙,所以近距離沒有其他乘客;但他回到台灣之後曾到 ...
New type of influenza outbreaks in Taiwan increased to 12 cases of first
Taiwan's central command center epidemic outbreak on the 31st that the first 12 cases of Taiwan a new type of influenza H1N1 confirmed cases, the patient is a 33-year-old trader. The man on the 27th night in New York, returned to Taiwan from the United States, the plane has already developed a fever. Prevalence of the epidemic, said the central command center, the man is traveling first class, so there are no other passengers at close range; but he had returned to Taiwan after ...
June 1, 2009

All set for Mansarovar yatra
The Chinese government did not gave permission for the Yatra in 2007 due to the widespread bird flu. Last year, internal trouble was said to be the cause, ...
June 1, 2009
The Statesman

Twenty-Six People Disallowed in Six Provinces Suspected of Being ...
Yesterday, fever hospitals in six provinces have disallowed twenty-six people suspected of being infected by the bird flu symptoms. ...
June 1, 2009

郑州四色预警传染病疫情 红色预警国家发布或省长签发
今报郑州讯面对“非典”、“禽流感”、“H1N1流感”等重大传染病疫情,郑州将分“红、橙、黄、蓝”四色向公众预警,最高级预警将由国家发布或由省长签发。 郑州四通八达,人员流动性大,各类传染性疾病的传播与流行几率较高。昨天,郑州市政府发布了《郑州市突发公共卫生事件应急预案》(以下简称《预案》),对行政区域内突然发生,造成或者可能 ...
Zhengzhou, four-color red early-warning infectious disease outbreak early warning issued by the State Governor to publish or
Zhengzhou hearing at the face of this "atypical pneumonia", "bird flu", "H1N1 influenza" and other major infectious diseases, Zhengzhou will be divided into "red, orange, yellow, blue," four-color to the public warning, the most advanced countries will be issued early warning or issued by the governor. Zhengzhou, extending in all directions, staff mobility, the spread of various types of infectious diseases with high prevalence of probability. Yesterday, the Zhengzhou city government issued a "public health emergencies Zhengzhou contingency plan" (hereinafter referred to as "plans"), administrative region of a sudden, causing or likely ...
June 1, 2009

bird flu hits Bengal again
Even as the threat of swine flu continues, a fresh outbreak of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird flu) has been reported from West Bengal. ...
June 1, 2009
Business Standard

Experts said unprepared for swine flu
This year's swine flu outbreak refuted many of the predictions about how the next large-scale flu pandemic would originate and spread, experts say. ...
June 1, 2009

新型インフルエンザによるパンデミックが現実味を帯び,さまざまな対策がとられる一方で,マンパワー不足も指摘されている。感染症専門家の養成は一朝一夕にできるものではないが,将来の新たなパンデミック対策のためにもますます重要なものとなっていくと考えられる。 ...
The Infectious Diseases Society of Japan held 83 times
Taken on a new flu pandemic is real, while the various measures taken, as has been pointed out lack of manpower. Training of specialists in infectious diseases is not possible in a short time, we will become increasingly important for the future of measures PANDEMIKKU. ...
June 1, 2009

Accertati 30 casi di influenza in Italia
L'organizzazione mondiale della Sanità ha fatto sapere che è ancora del tutto scongiurato il rischio di una pandemia di influenza, che ha provocato molti ...
Make 30 cases of influenza in Italy
The World Health Organization has indicated that it is still the risk of a pandemic flu, which caused many ...
June 1, 2009
Tuscia Web

La pandemia de gripe porcina que se originó hace unas semanas en México es una muestra más de cómo el miedo y la ansiedad se propagan más rápido que la ...
AUTOMATIC del miedo LA Culture By: David Rodríguez Seoane
The swine flu epidemic that originated in Mexico a few weeks ago is another example of how fear and anxiety is spreading faster than ...
June 1, 2009
El Informante

May 27, 2009

Experts advise vigilance against ticks …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Experts advise vigilance against ticks
... many chickens in Turkey around the time of the bird flu scare as all being factors that have led to a steep rise in the number of ticks in the nation. ...
May 28, 2009
Today's Zaman


洛地區防疫準備妥當迎冬天疫情 專家憂新流感變種疫苗或不敷
(本報記者陳慧如洛杉磯市報道)大洛杉磯地區防疫工作準備一切妥當,但私底下仍有學者專家憂心,新流感一但變種且變得兇猛,可能會在冬天大流行,就算屆時疫苗順利問世,數量也可能不夠。洛杉磯縣公共衛生局26日說明如何防範包括地震、新流感與火災等突發狀況的發生,以及各 ...
Hemoluo District Ying winter ready immunization experts worry the new epidemic variants of influenza vaccine or inadequate
(Our reporter Chen reports such as Los Angeles) The Los Angeles area to prepare all the appropriate prevention, but in private there are still scholars and experts worry that the new variants of influenza and become a fierce but may be epidemic in the winter, even if the vaccine will come out smoothly, the number may not be sufficient. Los Angeles County Public Health Agency on the 26th on how to guard against including earthquakes, fires and other new influenza and the occurrence of sudden, as well as ...
May 28, 2009

報告說,金融市場如不能在短期內理順關係、消除阻塞,大多數國家的經濟衰退將延續,全球經濟在2010年前將停滯在低福利水準。 報告警告說,目前在多國發生的甲型H1N1流感如果發展成全球流行病將使本已十分脆弱的經濟形勢進一步惡化。
In 2009 the United Nations cut growth forecasts for the global economy
Reported that the financial markets if they can not straighten out the relationship in the short term, the elimination of obstruction, the majority of the country's economic recession will continue, the global economy by 2010 will be stuck in a low level of welfare. The report warned that the current multi-country took place in the H1N1 influenza to develop into a global influenza pandemic if the will of the already fragile economic situation to deteriorate further.
May 28, 2009

昨天,市疾控中心的专家提醒市民在休闲、娱乐、逛街、旅游的同时,要绷紧预防甲型H1N1流感这根弦,尽量避免去甲型H1N1流感流行的国家旅游。 “出境旅游的市民,应尽量避免去美国、墨西哥、韩国和日本等甲型H1N1流感流行的国家。”昨天下午,市疾控中心工作人员提醒出境旅游市民,出发前,应准备好口罩、纸巾、体温计和速干型手消毒剂。 ...
Reminded the public that the city of CDC: Influenza selective out-endemic countries
Yesterday, the city of CDC experts reminded the public of leisure, entertainment, shopping, travel at the same time, it is necessary to tension and the prevention of influenza A H1N1 influenza in this string, as far as possible to avoid the H1N1 Type A influenza epidemic of National Tourism. "People traveling abroad should be avoided as far as possible to the United States, Mexico, South Korea and Japan, H1N1 Type A influenza endemic countries." Yesterday afternoon, the city of CDC staff to remind people of outbound tourism, pre-departure should be ready to face masks, paper towels , thermometer, and dry-type hand disinfectant. ...
May 28, 2009

威海对13起流行病学调查 未发现H1N1流感病例
本报讯(记者 张丽华)昨天记者从市卫生局了解到,自5月2日我市开展第一例甲型H1N1流感可疑病例流行病学调查以来,全市共进行甲型H1N1流感可疑发热病人流行病学调查13起,未发现甲型H1N1流感病例。 据市疾病预防控制中心工作人员介绍,自全球暴发甲型H1N1流感以来,我市卫生、检验检疫、空港口岸等部门全面启动各项防控措施,取得了阶段性 ...
Weihai epidemiological survey of 13 found no cases of H1N1 influenza
By (Xinhua Zhang) yesterday from the Municipal Health Bureau that, since May 2 in our city to carry out the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza epidemiological investigation, the city conducted a total of suspected influenza H1N1 influenza epidemic fever patients 13 investigation found no cases of influenza H1N1 influenza. According to City Center for Disease Control and Prevention staff, since the global outbreak of influenza A H1N1 influenza, the city health, inspection and quarantine, air ports and other departments to start the comprehensive prevention and control measures, has achieved ...
May 28, 2009

世卫组织流感大流行警告级别现阶段为5级,意味着甲型H1N1流感可能即将在全球范围内暴发。 纽约市26日证实,又有两人死于甲型H1N1流感。这使纽约市死于该流感的人数达到4人。纽约市卫生局长说,一名死者为居住在皇后区的41岁女子,另一人是居住在布鲁克林区的34岁男子。目前还无法确定两人的死亡是否与身体其他疾病有关。 ...
Influenza deaths worldwide per cent of people
WHO warned that an influenza pandemic at this stage for the five-level, means that the Type A H1N1 influenza may be imminent outbreak of a global scale. New York City confirmed on the 26th, another two died from H1N1 Type A influenza. This makes New York City, the number of people died from the flu to 4 people. New York City Health Secretary said that the deceased was living in a Queens of the 41-year-old woman, and the other person is living in Brooklyn 34-year-old man. Is still unable to determine whether the death of two other diseases of the body. ...
May 28, 2009

DOH reports 4 new confirmed cases of H1N1
However, it assured the public that the pandemic preparedness and response plan is in place and that it has expanded its referral hospitals to all DOH ...
May 28, 2009

Canada's swine flu cases exceed 1000
The WHO's pandemic alert stands at Phase 5, meaning a global outbreak is imminent. Officials are looking for signs the disease has become established in a ...
May 28, 2009

Respect flu, but don't fear it
Fears about a possible worldwide pandemic have eased considerably since the first swine flu deaths were reported in Mexico five weeks ago. ...
May 28, 2009
Asbury Park Press

28/05/2009WHO reconsiders having declared swine flu a pandemic
As swine flu cases near 13000, the World Health Organisation is asking if it declared the outbreak a pandemic too soon. Mexico City -- Mexico reported two ...
May 28, 2009
Expatica Germany

Official swine flu figures are just 'tip of the iceberg', warn ...
This is what happened in the 1918 pandemic and scientists are looking carefully to detect any changes. Most experts agree – it is only a matter of time. ...
May 28, 2009

Seed strains for swine flu vaccine sent out to pharmaceutical ...
A spokesperson for GlaxoSmithKline, the company that holds Canada's pandemic vaccine contract, said it has not yet received the seed strain. ...
May 28, 2009
The Canadian Press

Australia locks down cruise ships as swine flu toll mounts
The UN health body has so far held off on moving up a step from the current phase five alert to declaring a pandemic. Meanwhile, online campaigners ...
May 28, 2009
MSN Malaysia News

Gloabl swine flu deaths top 100
But the WHO has so far resisted declaring the disease a full-fledged pandemic. The outbreak has spread further in Asia, with Singapore confirming its first ...
May 28, 2009

bird flu virus remains infectious up to 600 days in municipal ...
Credit: People's Republic of China Amid concerns about a pandemic of swine flu, researchers from Nebraska report for the first time that poultry carcasses ...
May 28, 2009

More swine flu cases inevitable: Gallagher
But we are in the contained phase of the pandemic plan so it is about trying to restrict the spread of the illness. There are now about 70 confirmed cases ...
May 28, 2009
ABC Online

$2.3 million grant positions UofL to take lead in pandemic planning
Through the projects, researchers will seek ways to more quickly detect a pandemic and share information with community leaders, such as mayors, ...
May 28, 2009
U Of L News

Health dept details measures for swine flu prevention
A state influenza pandemic committee under the chairmanship of the chief secretary has been formed for monitoring the state plan of action on the pandemic. ...
May 28, 2009

Wyoming confirms first swine flu case
The World Health Organization said the virus hadn't yet reached the level of pandemic, or a global outbreak. Wyoming health officials expected swine flu to ...
May 28, 2009

Flu Slowing in Most Parts of US; Vaccine Makers Get $1 Billion
The money, which had already been earmarked for pandemic flu and preparedness before the swine flu outbreak hit, will also be used to stockpile vaccine ...
May 28, 2009 (press release)

Two new swine flu cases confirmed in New Jersey
The World Health Organization said the virus hadn't yet reached the level of pandemic, or a global outbreak. AP contributed to this report.
May 28, 2009
The Star-Ledger -

講演会では、京都産業大学鳥インフルエンザ研究センターの大槻公一センター長が「鳥インフルエンザとパンデミック」と題して、新型インフルエンザと鳥インフルエンザの致死率の違いなどを説明。「鳥インフルエンザのウイルスが特効薬に耐性を持ちつつあるという報告も ...
"The bird flu threat remains."
The lecture, the Director of Ootsuki Kimikazu Kyoto Sangyo University, Research Center for bird flu "pandemic and avian influenza" and entitled, and explain the difference between the fatality rate of bird flu and avian flu. "There are reports that have been resistant to a specific for the virus of bird flu ...
May 28, 2009

Swine flu to hit one in five as virus continues to spread
But a Victorian Government spokesman said that, while the state's pandemic plan included social-distancing measures such as bans on sporting events and ...
May 28, 2009
Brisbane Times

Swine flu cases encourage precaution
“This situation has the potential to be the next pandemic,” said David Kimberlin, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. ...
May 28, 2009
UAB Kaleidoscope

內地增至13例 社區爆發預案已定
衛生部27日公布《甲型H1N1流感流行病學調查和爆發疫情處理技術指南》,將疫情爆發定義為「14天內,出現2例及以上具有流行病學聯繫的甲型H1N1流感疑似和/或確診病例」。 衛生部要求,若發生爆發性疫情,首先要對病例個案、疫情現場進行調查,隨後進行標本採集與實驗室 ...
Mainland to the outbreak of 13 cases of community-based plan has been scheduled for
Ministry of Health announced on the 27th "Type A H1N1 influenza epidemiological investigations, and technical guidelines to deal with the outbreak of the epidemic," the outbreak of the epidemic is defined as "within 14 days and above two cases occur epidemiology associated with influenza type H1N1 suspected and / or confirmed cases. " Ministry of Health requirements, if the outbreak of the epidemic occurred, the first case to case, the outbreak investigation at the scene, followed by specimen collection and laboratory ...
May 28, 2009

May 26, 2009

WHO may redefine pandemic alert phases …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

WHO may redefine pandemic alert phases
May 26, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – In response to concerns from various governments about the possible effects of declaring a full-scale influenza pandemic, ...
May 27, 2009


WHO mulls pandemic threshold as swine flu cases near 13000
The WHO wants scientists to help clear up the criteria needed for declaring a pandemic as swine flu cases worldwide soared to nearly 13000 Tuesday, ...
May 27, 2009
MSN Malaysia News

HRH Calls For Joint Efforts To Cope With Global Challenges
... also launching the Stockpile Phase of Asem Initiative for the Containment of pandemic Influenza co-sponsored by the Asia-Europe Foundation and Japan. ...
May 27, 2009
Bru Direct

Qld Health's swine flu handling 'sloppy'
This is an issue of a pandemic - this is a killer, he said. Make no mistake about this - Queensland Health has a clear obligation to inform us of what is ...
May 27, 2009
ABC Online

Swine flu 'super infection'
... would develop into a full-blown pandemic, with a large proportion of otherwise healthy young adults contracting the infection and dying as a result. ...
May 27, 2009
Brisbane Times

Mexican Secretary of State visits Laredo
Espinoza spoke at a luncheon about Mexico's economic situation and how it has taken a toll after the recent pandemic of the swine flu.
May 27, 2009

Third case of swine flu confirmed in east of State
There have also been over 90 deaths from the virus in Mexico, Canada and the United States. The World Health Organisation pandemic alert remained at phase 5 ...
May 27, 2009
Irish Times

... 人民醫院就診。25日江門市疾控中心檢測甲型H1N1流感核酸陽性。26日省疾控中心和廣州市疾控中心復核結果陽性。26日晚上,廣東省衛生廳組織專家組進行會診,按照甲型H1N1流感診療方案,根據患者的臨床表現、流行病學資料和實驗室檢測結果,診斷為甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。 ...
Guangdong Jiangmen report a case of suspected cases of influenza H1N1 influenza
... People's Hospital for treatment. Jiangmen City, on the 25th CDC influenza nucleic acid testing positive for influenza A H1N1. Province on the 26th Guangzhou CDC and the CDC to review the results positive. On the 26th evening, the Office of the Guangdong Provincial Health Organization expert group for consultation, in accordance with the Type A H1N1 influenza treatment program, according to the clinical manifestations of patients, epidemiological data and laboratory test results, diagnosis of suspected cases of influenza type H1N1. ...
May 27, 2009

More research needed to develop successful swine flu vaccine: WHO
The WHO also said it would consult influenza experts before formally changing its criteria on when to declare a pandemic. The UN health agency has faced ...
May 27, 2009

甲型H1N1流感已经蔓延至22个国家和地区,在流行性疾病肆虐的威胁下,不少投资者开始重新审视自己的投资保障,“我希望为家庭配置足够的保障后再考虑投资”、“健康保障到底多少才足够?”,我们近期收到了不少读者关注健康保障的资产配置困惑。在本期的投资圆桌,我们将邀请保险公司的理财顾问为读者解答关于“保障多少才算够”的困惑。 ...
Coverage of the insurance policy can protect you worry?
Type A influenza H1N1 has spread to 22 countries and regions, the threat of epidemic diseases, many investors started to re-examine their own investment protection, "I hope for the adequate protection of the family and then consider investing in," " How much health insurance would be sufficient in the end? "We have recently received a lot of readers concerned about the health protection of the asset allocation confusion. Investment in the current round-table, we will be invited to the insurance company's financial advisor for the reader to answer on "how much is enough to protect" the confusion. ...
May 27, 2009

Companies receive HHS orders for novel flu vaccine
... Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) established with the companies in 2004 as part of the nation's pandemic influenza strategy. ...
May 27, 2009

Swine flu 'spreading fast' in Australia
The pandemic alert would not be raised from contain to sustain until the virus was so widespread that such measures as screening incoming sea and air ...
May 27, 2009

Qatar gets swine flu testing kits
Dr al-Thani was speaking on the sidelines of a pandemic Crisis Management workshop organised by the College of the North Atlantic-Qatar yesterday. ...
May 27, 2009
Gulf Times

Moo-ve over BSE This is one pig of a disease
In a unique foray into public health, KTAB News has created a brochure about the imminent pandemic threat of swine flu for you to download, print out and ...
May 27, 2009
KTAB News (satire)

Feds get ball rolling on swine flu vaccine
... work and are safe —- and to place initial orders with manufacturers for two vaccine ingredients for what HHS is calling a pre-pandemic stockpile. ...
May 27, 2009
Atlanta Journal Constitution

Fighting Swine Flu with Simulations and Infrared Tech
Another technology finding use amid the Swine flu pandemic is infrared imaging. One company, Mississauga, Ont.-based Fluke Corp. develops portable infrared ...
May 27, 2009

Two Egyptian children have H5N1 bird flu: agency
... virus rarely infects people, but experts say they fear it could mutate into a form that humans could easily pass to one another, sparking a pandemic. ...
May 27, 2009

Current stocks of Tamiflu can cover 20% of population, official says
We first stockpiled this much Tamiflu two years ago, when we stocked over one million tablets in a bid to combat possible outbreak of a bird flu virus ...
May 27, 2009

May 25, 2009

CCHF more fatal than swine flu, claims TVHB head Alkan …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

CCHF more fatal than swine flu, claims TVHB head Alkan
“Our successful fight against bird flu has set an example for the whole world. This is also the case for swine flu. I guess we need to take more serious ...
May 26, 2009
Today's Zaman


5月22日,中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家曾光教授,在接受中国青年报记者采访时提出了一个问题:如果说SARS给我们留下的是全民公共卫生意识的提高,那么,这次甲型流感过去以后,会给我们留下点什么? “我认为是公共卫生意识的进一步提高,我们更能互相关爱,进而提高整个民族的素质。”曾光说。 上周,中国青年报社调中心通过题客 ...
Survey of public satisfaction with the 85.2 percent that China's initiatives to prevent and control influenza A H1N1 influenza
May 22, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiology expert Professor Zeng Guang, chief, in an interview with China Youth Daily reporter raised a question: If we say that SARS has left us with a universal public health awareness, then Influenza A after the past, what will we leave? "I think it is to further enhance public health awareness, and we love each other better, thus improving the quality of the entire nation." Said Zeng Guang. Last week, the newspaper China Youth Center through the title off ...
May 26, 2009

Expert: Response to H1N1 flu was a good test
Those are the questions researchers will continue to ask themselves in light of what some are already calling a pandemic. Barron cautioned that finding the ...
May 26, 2009

此外,卫生部通报,5月25日接到湖南省卫生厅报告,长沙市公共卫生救治中心收治1名患者,临床表现为咳嗽等症状,根据临床表现、流行病学调查和实验室检验结果,初步诊断为输入性甲型H1N1流感疑似病例。 患者为男性,19岁,居住地址为湖南省长沙市,目前就读于美国某大学。患者于北京时间5月21日凌晨4时乘坐CA982航班由纽约回国,5月21日18时 ...
Mainland China has reported a total of 11 cases of imported confirmed cases of influenza H1N1 influenza
In addition, the Ministry of Health informed on May 25 received the report of Health Department of Hunan Province, Changsha City Public Health Center for treatment where a patient, clinical manifestations of symptoms such as cough, according to clinical manifestations, epidemiological investigation and laboratory test results imported initial diagnosis of suspected cases of influenza type H1N1. Patients were male, 19 years old, living in Changsha, Hunan, address, currently attending a university in the United States. Patients in Beijing at 4:00 on the May 21 flight CA982 ride home from New York, at 6:00 p.m. on May 21 ...
May 26, 2009

Australia in control of swine flu: expert
A leading expert on infectious diseases said Australia remained well-placed in keeping the global pandemic swine flu under-control. ...
May 26, 2009
WA today

Swine flu: so far, so good
To its credit the WHO, which is leading the global responses to the pandemic, has prioritised equitable treatment for developing countries. ...
May 26, 2009
On Line opinion

Fatal flaw in 'flu' defences
BY LES HORTON, Posted on » Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Bahrain's defences against swine flu or any other potential pandemic have been seriously undermined by the ...
May 26, 2009
Gulf Daily News

Vaccine pushes out brain fever
Bangalore: Even as the World Health Organisation (WHO) raises its swine flu pandemic alert level to five, the swine is in news for another reason in ...
May 26, 2009
Times of India

Ontario Confirms First Swine Flu Death, the Second in Canada
The World Health Organization may declare the outbreak of a pandemic even as many cases of swine flu show symptoms no more severe than seasonal flu, ...
May 26, 2009

H1N1 virus: A plan for the worst
And although the H1N1 virus seems to have lost some of its virulent momentum, the pandemic potential should give employers the impetus to put together a ...
May 26, 2009

Worst could yet be to come
IT has been five weeks since the swine flu pandemic started to spread across the world from Mexico. But, although there have now been 12515 people in 46 ...
May 26, 2009
The Herald

healthwatch for May 25, 2009
Part of the funds will also go toward building up the government's stockpile of drugs and vaccines that is on hold in case of a flu pandemic. ...
May 26, 2009

Pharmaceutical companies stand to make profit from 'swine flu'
... on the Market” said the initial stock market reaction to the news that the “swine flu” could become a pandemic was to cause aviation stocks to fall, ...
May 26, 2009

May 24, 2009

Swine Flu could Mutate into more Severe Form warns WHO …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Swine Flu could Mutate into more Severe Form warns WHO
The WHO may declare a full pandemic for the H1N1 as it is being closely watched in the southern hemisphere. Chan told the WHO annual congress in Geneva that ...
May 25, 2009
Best Syndication


Shionogi To Sell Newly Developed Flu Drug In Japan -Kyodo
The plan comes at a time when the new strain of H1N1 influenza is threatening to grow into a possible global pandemic. Another Japanese drugmaker, Daiichi ...
May 25, 2009
Wall Street Journal

UN move against flu travel curbs hailed
... of worldwide tourism, was launched in 2006 as a response mechanism for the potential evolution of the H5N1 Avian and Human Influenza to a pandemic form. ...
May 25, 2009
Peninsula On-line

Australia Swine Flu Cases to Rise, Chief Medical Officer Says
The government on May 22 updated its pandemic alert to “contain,” the third-highest level. The next level, “sustain,” means the virus is established and ...
May 25, 2009

Woman is NYC's second swine flu death
The World Health Organisation has issued a phase five Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) pandemic warning following the outbreak with positive reports of the virus ...
May 25, 2009

Swine flu cases rise to 17
... officially reported 12022 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 86 deaths, and the World Health Organisation says a global pandemic is imminent.
May 25, 2009
Special Broadcasting Service

`Glove shortage' raises flu fears for frontline workers
Cleaning workers are facing the greatest risk in the face of a possible flu pandemic and need more support and training to cope, unions say. ...
May 25, 2009
The Standard

Vigilance key to tackling swine flu
The swine flu pandemic seems to be getting closer to our borders. Eighteen US soldiers who passed through neighbouring Kuwait have tested positive for the ...
May 25, 2009

日立ソフト(日立ソフトウェアエンジニアリング)はパンデミック対策の一環として、自宅から企業へのリモートアクセス環境を提供する「secureonline在宅勤務サービス」に、ディスクレスPCを提供するサービスを6月1日に追加する。1年以上利用する場合の1台あたりの月額費用 ...
Hitachi Software, 945 units per month per service telecommuting yen
Hitachi Software (日立SOFUTOUEAENJINIARINGU) pandemic as part of measures to provide remote access to corporate environments from home "secureonline service work at home", diskless PC to provide services to an additional day in June. If you use more than one year of a monthly cost per unit ...
May 25, 2009

具体到本次甲型H1N1流感而言,健康教育和健康管理就是将流感疫情和防护知识交给公众,帮助公众从传染源,传播途径和易感人群三个环节充分认识到造成甲型H1N1流感流行的各种健康危险因素,帮助公众改变不健康的生活方式和习惯,如养成勤洗手、不扎堆,咳嗽和打喷嚏用纸巾捂住等预防呼吸道传染病的健康习惯。 哲人说:“尽可能在一切问题上都 ...
Rational in a crisis the growth of the Institute
Specific to the H1N1 Type A influenza, the health education and health management is the knowledge of the influenza epidemic and protection to the public, help the public from the source of infection, route of transmission and the susceptible population is fully aware of the three links caused by Type A H1N1 influenza prevalence of various health risk factors to help the public to change unhealthy lifestyles and habits, such as washing hands frequently to develop, not扎堆, coughing and sneezing, cover your tissue paper to prevent respiratory infectious diseases, such as health habits. Philosopher said: "as far as possible, all issues ...
May 25, 2009

Swine flu threat, key focus
Through wide scale discussions and negotiations, and compromise, the delegations have come a long way forward to address the contentious issues in pandemic ...
May 25, 2009
Ceylon Daily News

H1N1 update: Grand County prepares for second outbreak this fall
Preparing for pandemic flu since 2006, Grand County Public Health took advantage of the H1N1 outbreak to test its procedures. “As soon as we got the alert ...
May 25, 2009
Sky Hi Daily News

In pandemics of the past, caution for the future
And a far more virulent strain of bird flu is circulating in the world but currently is not transmissible among humans. Public health officials will be ...
May 25, 2009

Descartan expertos decesos por influenza humana en Chile
Explicó que cuando hace años se hizo el plan de contingencia frente a una pandemia, se planificó para una epidemia que iba a tener una tasa de ataque de un ...
Experts rule out human deaths from influenza in Chile
He explained that years ago when there was a contingency plan against a pandemic, we planned for an epidemic that would have an attack rate of one ...
May 25, 2009
SDP Noticias

FEBBRE SUINA/ Aumentano a 18 i contagiati della caserma spagnola
Il ministero afferma che i responsabili della Sanita' Militare hanno applicato il protocollo Oms per il contenimento della pandemia. ...
SWINE FEVER / 18 Rise of the infected barracks Spanish
The ministry says that those responsible for the Sanita 'Military have applied the WHO protocol for the containment of the pandemic. ...
May 25, 2009

DPHSS team educates public on swine flu
The team is an integral part of the Guam pandemic Influenza Plan in providing educational workshops and resources that enable the public to play an active ...
May 25, 2009
Pacific Daily News

Department of Health confirms 2nd flu case
The WHO is poised to declare a full pandemic of the A(H1N1) flu virus. WHO chief Dr. Margaret Chan said on Friday the world had to be ready for the new ...
May 25, 2009
Philippine Star

卫生部将结合患者流行病学史、临床表现和复核检测结果,组织专家尽快明确诊断。卫生部已派出2名临床专家现场指导患者救治工作。 据浙江省卫生部门介绍,浙江首例输入性甲型H1N1流感疑似病例病情明显好转。目前,浙江这例患者正在温州市第二人民医院接受隔离治疗,体温正常,咳嗽、咽痛等症状明显减轻,精神状况良好。 ...
Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang full well the treatment of influenza infections
Patients with the Ministry of Health in conjunction with epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and review of test results, the organization of expert diagnosis as soon as possible. The Ministry of Health has dispatched two experts at the scene to guide the clinical treatment of patients. According to the health sector in Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang imported the first suspected cases of influenza H1N1 Type A marked improvement in the disease. At present, the patients in Zhejiang Province which is the second People's Hospital of Wenzhou treated in isolation, the normal body temperature, cough, pharyngodynia significantly reduce the symptoms of mental condition. ...
May 25, 2009

May 21, 2009

Past pandemics Provide Mixed Clues to h1n1's Next Moves …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Past pandemics Provide Mixed Clues to h1n1's Next Moves
... and geography of pandemic flu, the relationship between the new viruses and existing ones, and the behavior of this new h1n1's parent viruses in swine.
May 22, 2009
Science Magazine (subscription)

Swine flu symptoms and facts: do I have swine flu?
Confirmed Victorian cases of swine flu are bringing the pandemic closer to home for Tasmanians. Tasmanian health authorities have tested 22 people and ruled ...
May 22, 2009
Tasmania Examiner

Group decides priorities for swine flu vaccines
This spring's swine flu outbreak and feared pandemic will keep health officials watching influenza numbers throughout the summer. ...
May 22, 2009
Jackson Hole News

Senate passes $91.3 billion war funding bill
The Senate bill includes $1.5 billion as cautionary funding to fight a possible flu pandemic, including the current outbreak of H1N1 swine flu. ...
May 22, 2009
The Daily Advance

Most Doctors Not Concerned of H1N1 Influenza
The risk of H1N1 flu resulting in a “catastrophic pandemic” was also thought to be minimal. No lifestyle or behavior change occurred for six of every ten ...
May 22, 2009

Plan to share supplies in 13 countries
He said although other regions have begun to acquire the technology to produce influenza vaccines, access to effective pandemic vaccines was a major problem ...
May 22, 2009
New Straits Times

Exit screening put to WHO
The exit screening is one way of averting the spread and a pandemic outbreak. It is prudent for people who are ill with fever and influenza-like symptoms ...
May 22, 2009
New Straits Times

Travel industry needs clearer information when crisis arises
WHO's pandemic level designations are based on geographical spread not the severity of the virus, and many delegates at the summit in Brazil found the ...
May 22, 2009
e-Travel Blackboard (press release)

Swine flu didn't accelerate air capacity slowdown: OAG
... and while signals the tenth month of slowdown, also shows that airlines didn't rush in to pull capacity in the face of pandemic fears. ...
May 22, 2009
e-Travel Blackboard (press release)

Hungary seeks to find footing in a world turned upside down
... on its language laws, the case of the Hungarian citizens accused of terrorism in Bolivia and the swine flu virus, which could become a pandemic. ...
May 22, 2009
Budapest Times

Hospital's loss another's gain?
Given the recent, most serious threats to mankind with the pandemic flu scare in Mexico, it would make sense we would want to have our finger on the pulse ...
May 22, 2009

Reason behind possible partial immunity of older adults to swine ...
That's because the United States vaccinated more than 40 million people in 1976 against a swine flu virus that was feared to be poised to start a pandemic. ...
May 22, 2009
The Canadian Press

Student has Brown's first swine flu case
The University expanded its existing crisis management committee several weeks ago at the height of national concern about a possible pandemic, ...
May 22, 2009
The Brown Daily Herald

青海新闻网讯为保护我省广大群众身体健康,做好公众甲型H1N1流感防控工作,省卫生厅20日向社会发出公告:请来自或7日内到过甲型H1N1流感流行国家和地区的人员自觉减少外出活动,避免前往人群拥挤场所和参加集体活动,发生流感样症状,应立即到当地医疗机构的发热门诊就诊。 公告说,近期来自或7日内到过甲型H1N1流感流行的国家或地区的人员 ...
Province of influenza have been to endemic countries and regions, the request of staff
News Qinghai province to protect the hearing health of the masses, do a good job in the public alpha H1N1 influenza prevention and control work on the 20th the Ministry of Health has issued a notice to the community: Please come from, or 7 days have been Type A Influenza H1N1-endemic countries and regions consciously go out activities to reduce the staff to avoid going to crowded places and to take part in collective activities, the occurrence of influenza-like symptoms immediately to the local medical institutions and out-patient treatment of fever. Notice that the recent or 7 days from the H1N1 influenza pandemic over the country or region of the staff ...
May 22, 2009

Health Care Reform and the Disability Community
... of a flu pandemic or similar emergency, people with intellectual disabilities as well as those with chronic health conditions may be excluded from care. ...
May 22, 2009
Huffington Post

May 20, 2009

Two Egyptian boys contract avian flu …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Two Egyptian boys contract avian flu
... are in stable condition, Shahin said. Egypt is one of the countries most affected by bird flu, with 27 fatalities since the disease first appeared in 2006.
May 21, 2009
Gulf Times


Wakefield delegation vows increased awareness measures of H1N1
“The Senate recognized the seriousness of this public health issue by passing a comprehensive pandemic flu bill last month,” Tisei said. ...
May 21, 2009
Wakefield Observer

Mexican woman becomes Victoria's fourth confirmed swine flu case
... cautious in this sort of situation, with the discussions worldwide about the potential for a pandemic from this,'' Mr Warren told the Nine Network. ...,21985,25514556-661,00.html
May 21, 2009
Melbourne Herald Sun

East Asians Hardest Hit in World Crisis
It looked likely a pandemic would devastate economies worldwide. Yet on May 4 Mexico unexpectedly declared it was winning the battle against swine flu and ...
May 21, 2009

No Guidance on How to Rein In the Flu
Britain, Japan and other countries with many cases argued that World Health Organization pandemic alerts should measure a virus's severity, ...
May 21, 2009
Times Daily

Latest swine flu panic? Health dept. budget cuts: 'Tank is empty ...
In 1918, the second wave was much more severe, he said, referring to a pandemic that killed 50 million people worldwide. At the moment, states are falling ...
May 21, 2009
New York Daily News

A Long Search for a Universal Flu Vaccine
That is shaping up to be a major problem as the world prepares for a possible pandemic this fall from the new strain of swine flu. ...
May 21, 2009
Times Daily

Adults Older Than 52 May Resist Swine Flu, CDC Says
The virus that caused the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic circulated until a bird flu virus replaced it in a 1957 world outbreak, Daniel Jernigan, deputy director ...
May 21, 2009

Young man is Utah's first H1N1 swine flu death
... Sundwall didn't mention the death, but did warn legislators that we are in the relatively early phases of an unfolding epidemic or pandemic. ...
May 21, 2009
Salt Lake Tribune

Over 52? You may be protected from swine flu
People older than about 52 might have been exposed to the H1N1 flu strain that first emerged in the 1918 pandemic and then continued to change and to ...
May 21, 2009

CDC: At Least 50 Cases of Swine Flu Confirmed in US
On Monday, the World Health Organization raised its pandemic alert level from level three to level four on a six-level scale. ...
May 21, 2009

GPO wins flu jab approval
The Russian live attenuated influenza vaccine technology is seen as a very promising tool in controlling a potential pandemic because it allows for the ...
May 21, 2009
Bangkok Post

GSK expects more swine flu vaccine orders
GSK has invested $2.5bn over the last four and a half years in preparation for a pandemic and Mr Witty said: We made those investments so we would be ready ...
May 21, 2009

Duck And Cover - H1N1 is Coming
Not surprisingly, the bird flu did not wipe us out. To date, WHO reported about 200 cases of avian flu in humans. Similarly, as of last Saturday, ...
May 21, 2009
Valley Star

Casos suspeitos de gripe H1N1 no Brasil caem para 17
O número de casos notificados no Japão subiu para mais de 250, o que torna mais provável que a OMS aumente para o nível máximo seu alerta de pandemia, ...
Suspected cases of H1N1 influenza in Brazil fell to 17
The number of reported cases in Japan rose to more than 250, making it more likely that the WHO to increase its level of pandemic alert, ...
May 21, 2009
O Globo

Preocupa en Chile la aparición de nuevos casos de gripe porcina
Los estados miembros de la OMS, reunidos en Ginebra, intentaban elaborar planes para tratamientos, respuesta a una pandemia y vacunas para prevenir la ...
Chile concern the emergence of new cases of swine flu
Member states of the WHO meeting in Geneva, attempted to develop plans for treatment, and response to pandemic vaccines to prevent ...
May 21, 2009 (Argentina)

Taiwan reports first case of A(H1N1) flu
I have full confidence that united, we can meet the challenges of this pandemic flu,” Yeh said in his four-minute speech, delivered in English. ...
May 21, 2009
Taipei Times

Le Canada et le Brésil signent un protocole d'entente sur la santé
Le protocole d'entente ciblera les travaux conjoints dans des secteurs clés comme la préparation et la réaction à une pandémie, les ressources humaines en ...
Canada and Brazil sign Memorandum of Understanding on Health
The MOU will focus on joint work in key areas such as preparing and responding to a pandemic, human resources ...
May 21, 2009
Maketwire (Communiqué de presse)

10000 H1N1 Cases; Vaccine Plan Weighed
WHO on Tuesday urged drug makers to reserve for poor countries a portion of any pandemic swine flu vaccine they develop. (AP) (CBS/ AP) H1N1 (swine) flu ...
May 21, 2009
CBS News

Panamá entrega a la OMS la cepa de virus AH1N1 para producción de ...
... la Salud (OMS) información sobre las cepas aisladas del virus AH1N1, con el objeto de trabajar en la elaboración de una vacuna que evite una pandemia. ...
Panama delivery to the WHO the virus strain for production of AH1N1 ...
... (WHO) information on the virus isolates AH1N1, to work on a vaccine to prevent a pandemic. ...
May 21, 2009

Beximco Pharma starts swine flu drugs supply to Americas
Beximco Pharma introduced Oseflu in 2006 for the prevention and treatment of influenza including swine and bird flu. The same year it supplied Oseflu to the ...
May 21, 2009
Bangladesh News 24 hours

Egypt warns of post-hajj swine flu quarantine
The suggestion highlights Egypt's concern that swine flu will hit the country which, with 27 recorded bird flu deaths, is behind only Indonesia and Vietnam ...
May 21, 2009
The Associated Press

Cientistas buscam vacina única contra todas as gripes
Isso está se tornando um grande problema, enquanto o mundo se prepara para uma possível pandemia de uma nova linhagem de gripe suína no próximo outono ...
Scientists seek single vaccine against all flu
This is becoming a major problem, as the world prepares for a possible pandemic of a new strain of swine influenza in the autumn ...,,OI3776373-EI8147,00-Cientistas+buscam+vacina+unica+contra+todas+as+gripes.html
May 21, 2009
Terra Brasil

May 19, 2009

Shortage of vaccine causing global worry …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Shortage of vaccine causing global worry
Yesterday, the World Health Organisation met with 10 major vaccine manufacturers in Geneva to discuss increasing production as the world faces a pandemic ...
May 20, 2009
New Straits Times


Close Club Gitmo? Not so fast.
Also included in the bill was money for the swine flu pandemic, and other unspecified causes. What was missing from the bill was the $80 million dollars ...
May 20, 2009
Sussex Sun

Expert: bird flu still a threat
By : Annie Freeda Cruez This is the reminder to Asian governments from Dr Hans Tieru, the World Health Organisation representative for Brunei, Malaysia and ...
May 20, 2009
New Straits Times

Value of vaccination
In recent years, the world faced new threats in the forms of the 1997 H5N1 bird flu and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and now, the influenza A ...
May 20, 2009
Malaysia Star

半数がメキシコ出張を制限 米企業の感染対策
93%の企業は、パンデミックとなった場合には従業員に自宅などでの勤務を認めるとした。 87%は従業員へのインフルエンザ関連情報の伝達などで、インターネットのブログやウェブサイトなどの「ニューメディア」を活用しているという。(共同通信)
Infection control in U.S. companies is restricted to half of Mexico travel
93% of the company, if a pandemic were allowed to work at home employees. And 87% of the transmission of flu-related information to employees, such as Internet blogs and websites of "new media" that they are using. (Kyodo News)
May 20, 2009

威海流感防控工作进入实战状态 严防病从外来
5月15日起,我市检验检疫部门按照上级部署,对来自疫病流行国家和地区的入境人员,在专用通道体温监测的全过程录像。录像至少保存一个月,之后刻成光盘长期留存备查。 下一步,检验检疫部门将协调卫生部门,指派临床执业医师到口岸一线值班,检疫人员通过体温监测或者医学巡查发现体征异常的入境人员后,及时交给临床执业医师进一步排查,既 ...
Weihai, influenza prevention and control work to prevent disease entering the actual state from the external
May 15, the city in accordance with the higher level of inspection and quarantine departments to deploy, from disease-endemic countries and regions, immigration staff, the dedicated channel to monitor the temperature of the entire process of video. Video for at least a month, long after the CD-ROM for future reference carved. Next, inspection and quarantine departments will coordinate the health sector, clinical practitioners assigned to front-line duty at ports and quarantine body temperature monitoring, or through the medical inspection of immigrants found abnormal signs personnel, timely clinical practice to the physician for further investigation, both ...
May 20, 2009

西藏报告一“甲流”疑似病例 广东疑似病例确诊,山东确诊病例出院
卫生部专家组根据患者的临床表现、流行病学调查结果和实验室检测结果,按照卫生部制订的诊疗方案判定这一病例为甲型H1N1流感确诊病例。 记者19日中午从广东省卫生、疾控部门了解到,这名患者的密切接触者共93人,截至19日11时,已追踪查找到75人并进行医学观察隔离,仍有18人正在查找中。 据新华社济南5月19日电19日上午,济南传染病医院 ...
Tibet's report "a stream" suspected cases confirmed suspected cases in Guangdong, Shandong confirmed cases discharged from hospital
According to the Ministry of Health expert group of patients with clinical manifestations, epidemiological findings and laboratory test results, according to the Ministry of Health to develop programs to determine the diagnosis and treatment of this case is confirmed cases of influenza type H1N1. At noon on the 19th journalist from Guangdong health, disease control departments understand that the close contacts of patients with a total of 93 people, as at 11:00 on the 19th, has been tracking the 75 people to find and quarantine medical observation, there are still 18 people are looking for in. According to Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, May 19 - 19 am, Jinan Hospital for Infectious Diseases ...
May 20, 2009

pandemic or paranoia? Handicapping the swine flu
Spokeswomen for the National Pork Board failed to respond to calls and e-mails seeking further information about industry standards and policies. ...
May 20, 2009
Medill Reports: Chicago

Companies could vaccinate 4.9 bln against H1N1 -WHO
Chan said that vaccine makers have shown a very serious commitment to help the international community prepare for a pandemic of flu, which, while seemingly ...
May 20, 2009

Mexico swine flu deaths hit 74
The World Health Organization today raised the threat level to 'phase 5,' indicating a pandemic is imminent. (Joe Raedle, Getty Images) MEXICO CITY (AP) ...
May 20, 2009

Unions Urge OSHA to Enforce Swine Flu Worker Protections
Don't forget to check out the AFL-cio's pandemic flu site, which includes vital resources for health care workers, firefighters, educators and more. ...
May 20, 2009

Flu trouble for 4 S'poreans overseas
News of their quarantine came as Japan yesterday braced for the possibility of the H1N1 flu pandemic reaching Tokyo. According to 938LIVE, the two men and ...
May 20, 2009

Philippines remains swine flu-free, chairs Asean+3 health summit ...
... after a baby suspected of being infected with the virus tested negative, is batting for greater regional cooperation to combat the potential pandemic. ...
May 20, 2009
Cnet Asia

H1N1 threat reaches plateau; travel warning lifted
As the threat of an H1N1 influenza pandemic “plateaus,” Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada lifted its travel warning against non-essential ...;_travel_warning_lifted_20090519444320/
May 20, 2009
Western News

Two Confirmed Swine Flu cases in Coffee County
“The same actions you can take against preventing pandemic Flu are effective against Swine Flu as well.” Flu is thought to spread mainly person-to-person ...
May 20, 2009
The Enterprise Ledger

Flu count stable as checks continue
By Elspeth McLean on Wed, 20 May 2009 As the number of swine flu cases in New Zealand remains stable, updating of pandemic planning continues in Otago and ...
May 20, 2009
Otago Daily Times

Cuba for Peace, Social Justice and Health to Fight Crisis
Cuba has implemented strong measures since April 27 to fight the flu pandemic under the International Sanitary Regulations, he recalled. ...
May 20, 2009
Radio Cadena Agramonet

Legislators oppose 20b loan for bird flu
Avian influenza commonly called “bird flu” is caused by viruses that occur naturally in birds, especially migratory ones. Last year, the highly pathogenic ...
May 20, 2009
New Vision

More swine flu precautions needed, says Indian official
... the ministry's director general, said it had not sent out any new circulars as doctors already had the information sent out during the bird flu scare. ...
May 20, 2009
The National

本报讯(记者韩军通讯员肖金萍)为进一步加强甲型H1N1流感防控工作,5月15,大港区卫生防病站开展了应对甲型H1N1流感密切接触者和疑似病例疫情防控演习。 当防疫部门接到发现甲型H1N1流感报告后,流行病调查小组,采样小组,和环境消毒小组依序进入紧张工作,整个演习从乘车出发到完成隔离服消毒共持续32分钟,为及时防控争取了时间。
Dagang H1N1 Type A influenza prevention and control to carry out the exercise (Figure)
By (Xinhua correspondent Han肖金萍) to further strengthen the prevention and control of influenza A H1N1 influenza work, May 15, Dagang District Health to carry out disease prevention stations to deal with H1N1 Type A influenza in close contact with suspected cases and the epidemic prevention and control exercises. When the quarantine department received the report found that Type A H1N1 influenza, the epidemic investigation team, sample group, and environmental disinfection in order to enter the working group, the entire exercise from start to finish隔离服car lasted 32 minutes disinfection, for the timely prevention control for the time.
May 20, 2009

May 18, 2009

WHO、日本での感染拡大に強い関心 …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

もし経路が特定できないような感染が多く確認されれば、「フェーズ6」に引き上げる可能性も十分にあるとして、日本側から詳しい疫学調査の報告を受け、分析を続けている。 「フェーズ6」は世界的大流行(パンデミック)が今まさに起きていることを示すが、WHOは、 ...
WHO, the spread in interest in Japan
If it is confirmed that many can not identify the infection route, if "Phase 6" as there is a good chance to raise, receive detailed reports from epidemiological surveys in Japan have been analyzed. "Phase 6" is a world epidemic (pandemic) that indicate what is happening right now is, WHO, ...
May 19, 2009


南部縣疾控中心立即向有關部門報告了這一重大“疫情”,南部縣人民醫院立即准備病房,准備進行流行病學調查、隔離醫學觀察和對其家庭落實消毒等一系列措施,准備迎接這位疑似“病人”。 然而,正當該縣疾控中心工作人員緊鑼密鼓地開展准備工作時,范某的手機卻關機了。 ...
Sichuan, a false man arrested 10 days influenza epidemic
Southern prefectures CDC report immediately to the relevant departments of the major "epidemic", People's Hospital immediately prepared southern prefectures wards, preparing for epidemiological investigation, isolation and medical observation disinfect their families, such as the implementation of a series of measures, quasi - prepared to meet the suspected "patients." However, while the county CDC staff to carry out preparatory work in full swing when the phone is范某turn off the computer. ...
May 19, 2009

卫生部专家组将综合患者流行病学史、临床表现和复核检测结果,尽快明确诊断。 山东省卫生厅昨天晚上通报,截至昨天晚上10点35分,在山东被隔离观察的、与患者吕某某密切接触的D41次列车7号车厢的人员已经解除医学观察。患者吕某某已经治愈康复,符合出院条件,将在今天上午康复出院。 据济南市疾控中心主任张济介绍,与吕某某同车厢的 ...
Report a case of Guangdong imported alpha suspected cases of influenza H1N1;
Patients with the Ministry of Health expert group will be integrated epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and review of test results, a clear diagnosis as soon as possible. Health Department of Shandong Province briefing last night, as of yesterday, 22:35, in Shandong have been isolated for observation and close contact with patients吕某某the D41 train compartment on the 7th of the staff had been lifted medical observation. Patients have been cured吕某某rehabilitation, in line with the discharge conditions, will be discharged this morning. Jinan City, according to Zhang Ji, director of CDC, the吕某某with the car and ...
May 19, 2009

New vaccine strategy might offer protection against pandemic ...
Some researchers advocate adding these strains to the annual flu vaccine. They might not match the next pandemic flu strain exactly, but could provide some ...
May 19, 2009
Biology News Net (press release)

Priorities for Kirk
Scotland, and the world as a whole, is facing the possibility of a global flu pandemic that may have serious consequences for mankind. ...
May 19, 2009

Canada lifts travel advisory to Mexico
Or it could mix with bird flu, which is more deadly but less easily passed between humans. Chan announced her decision despite calls from Britain, ...
May 19, 2009

Don't worry: 'Panicology' is the antidote for a panic-stricken world
bird flu has yet to claim a single human victim in Europe or the Americas , and has killed fewer than 300 people worldwide. Though the panic level was 5, ...
May 19, 2009
USA Today

Talks plot strategy for swine flu battle
Sanofi-Aventis has long reserved capacity to manufacture a pandemic flu vaccine for Australia, France and Italy. GSK, which has similar deals with other ...
May 19, 2009

WHO eyes pandemic alert as virus spreads
The number of swine flu cases soared in Japan on Monday and a teacher in New York became the city's first fatality linked to the virus, increasing the ...
May 19, 2009

А(H1N1), или Свиньи – это не только мясо и сало…
6 Фаза – это уже пандемия. Но вот прошло немного времени, и свиньи нам вроде как снова друзья, и окружающие люди не враги. На сайте Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) читаем: «Грипп А(H1N1), прежде имеющий название свиной грипп является крайне инфекционным острым респираторным ...
A (H1N1), or pigs - it is not only meat and fat ...
Phase 6 - it is a pandemic. But little time has passed, and pigs, we seem once again friends and surrounding people are not enemies. On the site the World Health Organization (WHO), we read: «Influenza A (H1N1), particularly with the name of pork-flu is a highly infectious acute respiratory ...
May 19, 2009

Nations urge WHO to change criteria for pandemic
WHO chief Chan noted that the disease could combine with other flu strains, including the lethal H5N1 bird flu virus which hasn't spread much among humans. ...
May 19, 2009
The Associated Press

Egypt criticized for 'inhumane' killing of pigs
It was criticized for not taking enough precautions when bird flu first appeared in Asia in 2003 and ended up killing over two dozen people in the country. ...
May 19, 2009
The Associated Press

Zero duty on maize, vaccines to help reduce poultry prices
In order to deal with bird flu, an umbrella project titled “National Programme for Control and Prevention of Avian Influenza” amounting to Rs.1180.148 ...
May 19, 2009
The Nation, Pakistan

Новый грипп придет в Россию осенью
Вместе с тем в Южном полушарии пандемия распадается на отдельные очаги в разных странах. Мексика, например, столкнулась с первой волной пандемии, вторую, предположительно, лишь будущей осенью и зимой, следует ожидать в Европе и России и, вероятно, в странах Юго-Восточной Азии. Ученый отметил, ...
New influenza in Russia will fall
However, in the southern hemisphere pandemic breaks up into separate pockets in different countries. Mexico, for example, faced with the first wave of a pandemic, the second, presumably, the future only in autumn and winter, to be expected in Europe and Russia, and probably in Southeast Asia. Scientist said ...
May 19, 2009
Наука и Жизнь

ВОЗ просят не повышать уровень опасности пандемии свиного гриппа до наивысшего
Как известно, на данном этапе опасности пандемии присвоен пятый уровень – пандемия неизбежна. В понедельник, 18 мая, первый случай заражения вирусом А/H1N1 был зафиксирован в Греции. Достаточно серьезная вспышка заболевания наблюдается в Японии, где были закрыты несколько сотен школ. ...
WHO has asked not to raise the risk of pandemic influenza to the highest pig
As you know, at this stage, the risk of a pandemic has been the fifth level - the pandemic is inevitable. On Monday, May 18, the first case of A/H1N1 virus infection was reported in Greece. Just a serious outbreak occurs in Japan, which had been closed several hundred schools. ...
May 19, 2009

Pacientes crônicos e grávidas têm risco maior com gripe, diz OMS
O mundo de hoje é mais vulnerável aos efeitos adversos de uma pandemia de influenza do que o era em 1968, quando começou a última pandemia do século ...
Chronic patients and pregnant women have increased risk with flu, says WHO
The world today is more vulnerable to the adverse effects of an influenza pandemic than it was in 1968 when he started the last pandemic of the century ...
May 19, 2009
Reuters Brasil

Poor countries 'far from ready' for flu pandemic
By Laura MacInnis GENEVA, May 18 (Reuters) - Africa is far from being ready for a pandemic of H1N1 flu, and developing countries in Asia and Latin America ...
May 19, 2009

Berna quer combate flexível à gripe suína
(Reuters) O governo suíço pede maior flexibilidade na declaração do alerta máximo de pandemia diante do avanço da gripe suína. ...
Berne and flexible combat the swine flu
(Reuters) The Swiss government seeks more flexibility in the declaration of pandemic alert than before the advance of swine flu. ...
May 19, 2009

pandemic flu forum scheduled at Macon State College
By Liz Fabian - The Bibb County pandemic Influenza Planning Committee is hosting a forum Tuesday night at Macon State College. ...
May 19, 2009
Macon Telegraph