May 1, 2009

Eilgenehmigung für Marburger Viren-Institut /Wissenschaft ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Eilgenehmigung für Marburger Viren-Institut /Wissenschaft ...
Angesichts einer möglichen Schweinegrippe-pandemie seien die Arbeiten innerhalb von 48 Stunden genehmigt worden. Im Marburger Hochsicherheitslabor dürfen ...
Eilgenehmigung for Marburg Virus Institute / Science ...
Faced with a potential swine flu pandemic, the work within 48 hours have been approved. In the laboratory may Marburger high ...
May 1, 2009
Proplanta - Das Informationszentrum für


世界的大流行(パンデミック)の現実味を帯びてきた。 ついに日本に脅威のウイルスが上陸したのか。 舛添厚労相は1日午前1時すぎから緊急会見を行った。発表によると、新型インフルの感染の疑いがある患者は、横浜市在住の男子高生。先月10日から25日まで修学旅行で ...
17 suspected infection INFURU new first-year-old Japanese high school students
Pandemic (pandemic) has become a reality. Or the threat of the virus landed in Japan at last. Masuzoe Atsushi's labor minister on a Sunday morning an emergency meeting too. According to patients suspected of infection INFURU new, high student living in Yokohama men. Last month the school trip from June 10 to 25 days ...
May 1, 2009

新型インフルエンザ対策 伊那中央病院が対応を掲示
病院では、国内で患者が発生した「感染初期」、感染拡大期、大流行の「パンデミック期」の各段階で、対応マニュアルを策定している。 現段階は「感染初期」前段の「注意の状態」。感染初期は感染が疑われる患者が来院した場合、別棟診察室に「発熱外来」を設けて対応する ...
Posted Ina Central Hospital for the new flu
The hospital, which occurred in patients with "initial infection", the term spread, the epidemic "pandemic period" at each stage, is to develop a manual. Stage of "initial infection" in the first sentence of "state of attention." If you visit early infected patients with suspected infection, the doctor's office pavilion "exotic fever" to set up ...
May 1, 2009

Peru é 1o da América do Sul a confirmar gripe suína
A grande preocupação hoje é se a gripe suína tem potencial para ser uma pandemia. Segundo especialistas, ela pode virar pandemia, pois, ao contrário da ...
Peru is South America's 1st confirm the swine flu
The big concern now is whether the swine flu has the potential to be a pandemic. According to experts, it may become pandemic because, unlike the ...
May 1, 2009
Correio de Uberlândia

SCHWEINEGRIPPE/Erster Fall in der Schweiz - WHO verfügt Warnstufe ...
Die WHO verfügte die pandemie-Warnstufe 5. Die Schweizer Behörden hoffen, die Ausbreitung der Krankheit mit einer konsequenten Isolation der Verdachtsfälle ...
SWINE FLU / First case in Switzerland - WHO is warning ...
The WHO had the pandemic warning 5th The Swiss authorities hope that the spread of the disease with a consequent isolation of suspected cases ...
May 1, 2009

Gesundheitsminister: Wir sind gut gerüstet
(vb) – Luxemburg ist für den Fall einer Grippe-pandemie mehr als ausreichend mit Medikamenten gegen den Virus ausgestattet. Unsere Lagerbestände gehen über ...
Health Minister: We are well prepared
(vb) - Luxembourg is in the event of a flu pandemic is more than enough medication against the virus equipped. Our stocks are about ...
May 1, 2009
Luxemburger Wort

RP genehmigt innerhalb 48 Stunden Impfstoff-Entwicklungsforschung ...
Wegen des befürchteten pandemie-Potenzials der neuen Influenzavirus-Varianten waren die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO und die nationalen Behörden (in ...
RP approved within 48 hours of vaccine development research ...
Because of the feared pandemic potential of the new influenza virus variants, the World Health Organization WHO and the national authorities (in ...
May 1, 2009
Gießener Zeitung

Schweinegrippe: Kein weiterer Verdachtsfall in Österreich
Die Influenza-pandemie ist in aller Munde. Doch wirklich aufregen muss sich derzeit in Österreich niemand. Die Zahl der nachgewiesenen Todesfälle infolge ...
Pig flu: No additional suspected case in Austria
The influenza pandemic is on everyone's lips. But really upset must currently no one in Austria. The number of documented deaths due ...
May 1, 2009
Vienna Online

Caso suspeito de gripe H1N1 em análise num hospital de Lisboa
«A situação é de tranquilidade», afirmou Manuel Pizarro, reafirmando que todos os meios destinados a enfrentar uma eventual pandemia da doença em Portugal ...
Suspected case of H1N1 flu in a hospital examination of Lisbon
"The situation is calm, 'said Manuel Pizarro, reiterating that all means to tackle a possible pandemic of the disease in Portugal ...
May 1, 2009
TSF Online

Centros de salud neoespartanos mantienen cerco epidemiológico por ...
Los centros de salud del estado Nueva Esparta se mantienen en alerta y refuerzan sus cercos epidemiológicos, ante la pandemia que existe de influenza ...
Health Centers neoespartanos maintained by epidemiological fence ...
Health centers in the state of Nueva Esparta remain alert and strengthen their epidemiological fences, there is pandemic influenza ...
May 1, 2009
Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias

Roma aconseja a quienes regresen de viaje a México quedarse 7 días ...
... propagación de la gripe porcina, que brotó en México, se encontraban reunidos en Luxemburgo para estudiar una respuesta conjunta al riesgo de pandemia.
Rome advised those returning from trip to Mexico to stay 7 days ...
... spread of swine flu, which broke out in Mexico, met in Luxembourg to discuss a joint response to the pandemic risk.
May 1, 2009
Panorama Diario

La gripe porcina podría afectar hasta el 50% de la población europea
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) pasará a la última fase de alerta de pandemia de nueva gripe en caso de que la propagación del virus A/H1N1 de ...
The swine flu could affect up to 50% of the population
The World Health Organization (WHO) passed the final stage of alert for a new flu pandemic should the virus A/H1N1 of ...
May 1, 2009

Mexicanos pierden la localía
La propagación de la gripe porcina, que el pasado miércoles alcanzó el grado 5 de alerta y está a uno de ser pandemia, preocupa también a las autoridades ...
Mexicans lose Localia
The spread of swine flu, which on Wednesday reached the alert level 5 and is to be a pandemic, the authorities are also concerned ...
May 1, 2009
El Espectador Uruguay

... e responsabili delle strutture sanitarie interessate alla gestione del problema, per preparare e rispondere ad una pandemia dell'influenza suina. ...
... and heads of health facilities involved in the management of the problem, to prepare and respond to a pandemic of influenza fever. ...
May 1, 2009
AGI - Agenzia Giornalistica Italia

Negativi due casi sospetti di influenza suina in Puglia
BARI – Oggi si è svolta la prima riunione del Comitato Pandemico della Regione Puglia, sulla pandemia influenzale da virus A/H1N1. Il Comitato ha affrontato ...<EN>
Negative two suspected cases of swine influenza in Apulia
BARI - Today was the first meeting of the pandemic in the Region of Puglia, on pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus. The Committee discussed ...
May 1, 2009
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

Le dispositif Osiris décrypté par Sylvie Belzer - 30 avril, Forum
A Genève, pour répondre à l'inquiétude croissante face à la pandémie de grippe A (H1N1), le dispositif Osiris a été activé. Ce dispositif s'active dans des ...
The device Osiris decrypted by Sylvie Belzer - April 30, Forum
In Geneva, in response to the growing concern pandemic influenza A (H1N1), the device was activated Osiris. This device is activated in ...
May 1, 2009

Premier cas avéré de grippe porcine en Suisse
Le gouvernement genevois a toutefois mis sur pied un état-major de crise pour faire face à une éventuelle pandémie. Baptisé Osiris et déjà activé pour des ...
First cases of swine influenza in Switzerland
The government, however, Geneva has developed a staff of crisis to cope with a pandemic. Osiris baptized and already activated for ...
May 1, 2009
Radio Suisse Romande

Influenza, fase 5: allerta pandemia
Una bambina italiana di un anno e 9 mesi è ricoverata da ieri in un ospedale messicano della città di Oaxaca con sintomi che sembrano essere quelli ...
Influenza Phase 5: allerta pandemia
An Italian girl of one year and 9 months was admitted to a hospital yesterday in the Mexican city of Oaxaca with symptoms that seem to be those ...
May 1, 2009
Giornale Radio Rai

Espanha confirma 13 casos de gripe mexicana
A Cruz Vermelha Internacional apelou a um financiamento de 3,3 milhões de euros para “travar a gripe” e “preparar a reposta a uma provável pandemia ...
Spain confirms 13 cases of avian Mexican
The International Red Cross called for a funding of 3.3 million to "stop the flu" and "prepare the response to a possible pandemic ...
May 1, 2009

Peru, Suíça e Holanda confirmam casos de gripe suína
Ontem, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) elevou o nível de alerta de pandemia, de fase 4 para fase 5, que indica que uma pandemia é iminente. ...
Peru, Switzerland and the Netherlands confirmed cases of swine flu
Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the level of pandemic alert, the phase 4 to phase 5, which indicates that a pandemic is imminent. ...
May 1, 2009
O Globo

Sobe para oito número de casos de gripe suína no Reino Unido
O Ministério da Saúde garantiu que está preparado para enfrentar uma possível pandemia da doença. Na Escócia, há outras 27 pessoas com sintomas da doença e ...
Increases to eight cases of swine flu in the UK
The Ministry of Health said that it is prepared to tackle a possible pandemic of the disease. In Scotland, there are 27 people with symptoms of the disease and ...
May 1, 2009
JB Online

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