Jun 10, 2009

新型インフルでWHOが緊急委、「フェーズ6」引き上げも(EN : The new WHO committee in full in an emergency, "Phase 6" to raise)…

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

【ジュネーブ=平本秀樹】世界保健機関(WHO)当局者は10日、本紙に対し、新型インフルエンザ(豚インフルエンザ)の警戒水準をめぐり、世界的大流行(パンデミック)を意味する「フェーズ6」への引き上げを検討する緊急委員会が11日正午(日本時間11日午後7 ...
The new WHO committee in full in an emergency, "Phase 6" to raise
Hiramoto Hideki GENEVA - World Health Organization (WHO) officials in the day, the paper, a new influenza (swine flu) over the level of vigilance, a world epidemic (pandemic) to mean "Phase 6" Emergency Committee to consider raising the 11 noon Sunday (11 pm Japan time: 7 ...
June 11, 2009


Vacina contra o vírus da gripe A já pode ser feita
Com os novos casos em todo o mundo a OMS está prestes a declarar a primeira pandemia de gripe em mais de 40 anos.
Vaccine against influenza A virus can now be
With the new cases worldwide the WHO is about to declare the first pandemic of influenza in more than 40 years.
June 11, 2009

Aumento dos casos de gripe suína na Austrália pode significar ...
Nós estamos chegando perto de saber que estamos em uma situação de pandemia, afirmou Keiji Fukuda, chefe do programa da OMS para influenza. ...
Increase in cases of swine influenza in Australia can mean ...
We are getting closer to know that we are in a pandemic situation, said Keiji Fukuda, head of the WHO program for influenza. ...
June 11, 2009
Terra Brasil

Palestinos confirmam primeiro caso de gripe H1N1
... em um sinal de que a agência da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) deve estar pronta para declarar a existência de uma pandemia.
Palestinians confirm first case of H1N1 avian
... in a sign that the agency of the United Nations (UN) should be ready to declare the existence of a pandemic.
June 11, 2009
O Globo

Evaluará OMS con expertos propagación de influenza humana
En la conferencia de prensa de la víspera, el director adjunto de la OMS, Keiji Fukuda, señaló que cada vez estamos más cerca de declarar una pandemia, ...
WHO experts to assess the spread of human influenza
At the press conference yesterday, the Deputy Director of WHO, Keiji Fukuda, said that every time we are closer to declaring a pandemic ...
June 11, 2009
SDP Noticias

Café Tacvba hablaron de la influenza, en La Habana
(sobre) la supuesta pandemia, no es que no exista la enfermedad, es la desinformación que hay alrededor de ella y genera todo ese caos y miedo Yo nunca ...
Café Tacvba spoke of influenza in Havana
(about) alleged pandemic, is not that there is no disease, there is misinformation about her and all that creates chaos and fear I will never ...
June 11, 2009
El Sol de Cuautla

Equipo científico estadounidense arriba a Chile para estudiar ...
... y la visita a nuestro país se explica ante la inminente declaración de la Fase 6 de pandemia por la OMS y el alto número de casos detectados en Chile.
Top U.S. scientific team to Chile to study ...
... and a visit to our country is because of the imminent declaration of a Phase 6 pandemic by the WHO and the high number of cases detected in Chile.
June 11, 2009
Terra Chile

Niegan colapso de servicios médicos por influenza en Argentina
Además advirtió que si la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declara el nivel seis de pandemia, no nos cambia nada, nuestra situación epidemiológica es ...
Collapse of medical services denied by influenza in Argentina
Furthermore he warned that if the World Health Organization (WHO) said the six-level pandemic, we do not change anything, our epidemiological situation is ...
June 11, 2009
SDP Noticias

Venezuela reporta 17 nuevos casos confirmados de influenza H1N1
La agencia de Naciones Unidas dijo el martes que estaba cerca de declarar la primera pandemia de influenza en más de 40 años.
Venezuela reported 17 new confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza
The UN agency said Tuesday it was close to declaring the first pandemic of influenza in more than 40 years.
June 11, 2009
Reuters América Latina

Tras la epidemia en los colegios de Madrid ascienden a 374 los ...
La OMS, que alerta de una inminente pandemia, ha informado de las nuevas cifras. Un total de 26.563 casos de gripe A en 73 países, con 140 fallecimientos. ...
After the epidemic in schools amounts to Madrid for the 374 ...
WHO warning of an imminent pandemic, has reported the new figures. A total of 26,563 cases of influenza A in 73 countries with 140 deaths. ...
June 11, 2009

Grippe porcine : vers la pandémie ?
Concernant le traitement de l'information, 75 % des personnes interrogées estiment que l'exposition médiatique du virus a généré un sentiment de peur.
Swine influenza towards the pandemic?
Concerning information processing, 75% of respondents felt that media exposure of the virus has generated a sense of fear.
June 11, 2009

Gymnasium - Zehn Schulkinder an Schweinegrippe erkrankt
Kölns Gesundheitsdezernentin Marlis Bredehorst (Grüne) sprach im Zusammenhang mit der Schweinegrippe von einer «beginnenden pandemie mit einem bislang ...
Gymnasium - Ten schoolchildren in pig flu sick
Cologne health councilor Marlis Bredehorst (Greens) said in connection with the pig flu of a "beginning of a pandemic so far ...
June 11, 2009
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)

Neue Fälle in Deutschland: Zwei weitere Schweinegrippe-Tote in Mexiko
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO hatte am Dienstag erklärt, sie werde möglicherweise in Kürze eine pandemie wegen der Schweinegrippe ausrufen. ...
New cases in Germany: Two more pig flu deaths in Mexico
The World Health Organization had declared on Tuesday that it will possibly soon a pandemic flu because of the pigs exclaim. ...
June 11, 2009

73 cas de grippe A/H1N1 confirmés en France
La responsable française a signalé, en outre, que 27 cas sont toujours en cours d'investigation, rappelant que depuis le début de la pandémie, ...
73 cases of influenza A/H1N1 confirmed in France
The head of France pointed out, moreover, that 27 cases remain under investigation, noting that since the beginning of the pandemic, ...
June 11, 2009
La Vie Éco

Grippe porcine: 27'737 cas dans 74 pays, forte hausse au Chili
Mardi, le directeur général adjoint de l'OMS Keiji Fukuda a averti que la situation évolue clairement vers une pandémie et que l'OMS est très près de ...
Swine flu: 27'737 cases in 74 countries, strong growth in Chile
Tuesday, the Director General of WHO Keiji Fukuda warned that the situation clearly evolving into a pandemic and that WHO is very close to ...
June 11, 2009

Se elevan a 362 los casos de gripe A en España
Las consultas con estos gobiernos se producen después de que la OMS reconociera ayer que la declaración de una pandemia es inminente y que si no lo ha hecho ...
Amounted to 362 cases of influenza A in Spain
Consultations with those governments that take place after the WHO acknowledged yesterday that the declaration of a pandemic is imminent and that if you have not ...
June 11, 2009

NTT Com、安否確認/一斉通報でパンデミック対応機能を強化
NTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社(NTT Com)は、災害時に従業員/家族の安否確認や関係者への一斉連絡などを行なうことができる「モバイルコネクト 安否確認/一斉通報サービス」で、新型インフルエンザなどのパンデミック(世界的に大流行している状態)に対応した機能 ...
NTT Com, the safety check / strengthen capabilities in the broadcast PANDEMIKKU
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), an employee at the time of a disaster / and can be contacted simultaneously to confirm the safety of families and relationships "Connect Mobile Safety Confirmation / broadcast services", such as avian flu pandemic ( still all the rage in the world) that support functions ...
June 11, 2009
キーマンズネット (プレスリリース) (会員登録)

Zehn neue Schweinegrippe-Fälle in Deutschland
Nach Einschätzung der Weltgesundheitsorganisation steht bei der Schweinegrippe eine pandemie kurz bevor. Mehr als 25.000 Menschen in 73 Ländern sind demnach ...
Ten new cases of swine flu in Germany
According to the World Health Organization is in the pig flu pandemic imminent. More than 25,000 people in 73 countries are therefore ...
June 10, 2009

OMS: China confirma mais 12 casos de gripe suína
Ao mesmo tempo, a disseminação do surto pela Austrália pode levar a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) a declarar a primeira pandemia de gripe em 41 anos. ...
WHO: China confirms another 12 cases of swine flu
At the same time, the spread of the outbreak in Australia could lead the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the first influenza pandemic in 41 years. ...
June 10, 2009

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