Jun 3, 2009

WHO to Declare Swine Flu pandemic Soon …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

WHO to Declare Swine Flu pandemic Soon
In order to raise the flu alert level to a pandemic, WHO officials would need evidence of widespread “community transmission,” beyond travelers, ...
June 4, 2009


发现或疑似结核病疫情暴发时,要立即以书面形式报告当地卫生和教育行政部门,同时通知所在学校,并立即派人深入学校进行流行病学调查核实,确定结核病暴发疫情后,应在24小时内根据初步的调查结果书写初次报告向同级卫生行政部门报告,抄送同级教育行政部门,并向上一级业务主管部门报告。同时,建立应急处理机制,启动学校结核病暴发疫情 ...
Heilongjiang Province to strengthen the norms of TB prevention and control of schools
Found or suspected outbreaks of TB, you should immediately report in writing to the local health and education-related executive departments, to inform the school at the same time, and immediately sent to carry out thorough epidemiological investigation to verify the school to determine the outbreak of TB, the should be within 24 hours According to the preliminary findings of the initial report written at the same level health administrative departments to report, a copy at the same level of education-related executive departments, and departments on the report level. At the same time, the establishment of emergency to deal with the mechanism to start the school tuberculosis outbreak ...
June 4, 2009

... 级定点救治医院;加强了疫情监测,组织各级疾控机构、医疗机构专业人员和应急队伍进行系统培训,通过模拟演练提升实战水平;建立了卫生、口岸、海关、机场、航空公司、外事侨务等部门的沟通协调机制;成功治愈了湖南首例确诊的甲流病例;共对29名密切接触者进行了及时、科学、规范的流行病学调查,目前所有密切接触者均已解除医学观察。 ...
Changsha, H1N1 Type A influenza 29 close contacts of all the lifting of isolation
... Hospital-level fixed-point; enhanced surveillance, disease control institutions at all levels, medical professionals and emergency personnel to conduct system training, simulation exercises to enhance the level of actual combat; the establishment of sanitation, ports, customs, airports, airlines , Foreign Affairs and other departments of communication and coordination mechanisms; Hunan successfully treated a stream of the first diagnosed cases; a total of 29 close contacts of a timely, scientific and standard epidemiological investigation, all close contacts have been the lifting of medical observation. ...
June 4, 2009

据尼媒体报道,世界卫生组织6月2日向尼联邦政府捐赠了价值4.08亿奈拉(约合272万美元)的抗甲型H1N1流感药物—奥塞米韦(达菲),据世卫官员介绍,世卫为了应对日益严重的甲型H1N1流感大流行的形势,首批选择了72个国家赠送抗流感药品,尼日利亚即是其中之一。该药物足够184800人用量,同时也可用于禽流感患者的治疗。 ...
World Health Organization donated to the Nigerian anti-influenza H1N1 influenza drug
According to Nigerian media reports, the World Health Organization June 2 donation to the Nigerian federal government worth 408 million naira (about 2.72 million U.S. dollars) of anti-influenza H1N1 influenza drug -奥塞米韦(Tamiflu), according to WHO officials , the WHO response to the increasingly serious H1N1 Type A influenza pandemic situation, the first batch of 72 countries chosen to give anti-influenza drugs, that is, Nigeria is one of them. 184,800 people enough of the drug dosage, at the same time can also be used for the treatment of patients with avian flu. ...
June 4, 2009

国产达菲几年前已经成型。2005年,禽流感在全球暴发过一次大流行,当时为了实现全球防控,国内获得罗氏授权的厂家有上药集团和广东东阳光集团。而今年这次甲流危机之下,东阳光与上海医药集团的国产“达菲”再次成为国内防控药品的主角。目前同款产品分别名为“军科奥韦”和“奥尔菲”,将成为各省防疫部门政府采购的主要产品。 ...
Throwing objects from the central finance Hao 5000000000 medicines to prevent a flow reserve of the country how to split cake (
Tamiflu has been made forming a few years ago. In 2005, an outbreak of bird flu once in the global pandemic, in order to achieve the global prevention and control at the time, Roche was authorized by the domestic manufacturers have on the drug group and the Guangdong East Sunshine Group. This year, under the A-flow crisis, the East the sun and the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group in China, "Duffy," once again become the leading domestic drug prevention and control. At present, respectively, with the product called "科奥韦Army" and "奥尔菲" provincial epidemic prevention departments will become the main products in government procurement. ...
June 4, 2009

而达菲是预防和治疗禽流感和人类流感流行时的首选用药。 我们认为,海正生产“达菲”短期增厚业绩。但由于达菲专利要到2016年到期,目前原研药厂罗氏在中国只授权了上海医药集团和广东东阳光集团,因而对于海正来说,生产达菲带来的业绩提升并不是长期的。预计海正药业2009、2010年每股收益分别为0.51元、0.79元,短期估值存在压力,长期 ...
Hisun Pharmaceutical (600267): allowed the production of Tamiflu
Tamiflu is the prevention and treatment of avian influenza and human pandemic influenza at the time of the preferred drug. We believe that the sea is the production of "Tamiflu" short-term performance thickening. However, due to Tamiflu patent to expire in 2016, the current indigenous Roche pharmaceutical research in China, only Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group has been authorized and Guangdong East Sunshine Group, which is the sea, the production brought about Tamiflu is not a long-term performance to enhance of. Hisun Pharmaceutical 2009,2010 expected earnings per share, respectively, in 0.51 yuan, 0.79 yuan, the existence of short-term pressure on the valuation of long-term ...
June 4, 2009

The week in higher dducation
It has all but disappeared from the news, but the threat of a swine flu pandemic was given fresh legs by a leading virologist on 1 June. ...
June 4, 2009
Times Higher Education

Musings on the intersection of science, medicine, and culture
It's reasonably likely to be declared pandemic in the next few days. Here on the ground, it's almost like having a second flu season. ...
June 4, 2009

Australia reports community spread of novel flu in Victoria
The Australia Department of Health and Ageing said the pandemic response for Victoria has been raised from contain to sustain. ...
June 4, 2009

Despite being inundated with dire warnings about a flu pandemic, Canadians should know the country is in good shape to tackle a full outbreak should it ...
June 4, 2009

WHO's Chan Warns Nations Not to Overreact to Swine Flu pandemic
Margaret Chan, the WHO's director-general, may declare an influenza pandemic within days, said three people familiar with the organization's plans. ...
June 4, 2009

With much on its plate, the FDA opens a new era in medicine for dogs
... marshaling vaccines and drugs to combat pandemic flu, taking on new responsibilities to regulate tobacco products and dietary supplements. ...
June 4, 2009
Los Angeles Times

New Brunswick confirms first swine-flu case
Canada's chief public health officer, David Butler-Jones, also sought to assure Canadians that should the spread of swine flu be declared a pandemic, ...
June 4, 2009

Europeans demand investigation of the CAFO/swine flu link
Apparently, it will take mass quarantines, high death rates, and riots at hospitals to keep Americans thinking about the very real threat of flu pandemic ...
June 4, 2009
Grist Magazine

Supplemental Request to Enhance Our Nation's Defense Against H1N1 ...
... determine that such resources are required for critical response needs and additional authorities to prepare the Nation for a potential HINI pandemic. ...
June 4, 2009
eNews Park Forest

Survey finds many companies preparing on global scale for a H1N1 ...
Many global companies have activated a pandemic response plan to the threat of an (H1N1) swine flu pandemic, according to a survey released by The ...
June 4, 2009

Мексика лидирует по числу смертей от свиного гриппа
пандемия Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) подтвердила вчера 19 273 случая заболевания людей гриппом A/H1N1 в 66 странах, 117 заболевших умерли. Большинство случаев заболевания опасным вирусом – более 10 тыс. – выявлено в США. Мексика занимает первое место в мире по числу ...
Mexico leads in the number of deaths from swine flu
PANDEMIC World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed yesterday 19 273 cases of human influenza A/H1N1 in 66 countries, 117 patients died. Most cases of a dangerous virus - more than 10 thousand - found in the United States. Mexico ranks first in the world for the ...
June 4, 2009
Независимая газета

20-year-old in Hyderabad is India's 4th swine flu case
At present, the alert level stands at phase five — a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent. The virus has already infected nearly 20000 people, ...
June 4, 2009
Times of India

18 new A/H1N1 flu cases confirmed in Britain
The Health Department pledged to be prepared for the possibility of a global pandemic. What's more, according to the Health Protection Agency, 297 cases are ...
June 4, 2009

Google rolls out NZ flu trends algorithm
But some commentators have noted that it missed the early signs of the looming AH1N1 swine flu pandemic. To create its flu trends for New Zealand, ...
June 4, 2009

First Connecticut death in swine flu outbreak
Thus far there have been 397 confirmed cases of swine flu, also called novel influenza A (H1N1), in Connecticut since the pandemic began in April. ...
June 4, 2009

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