Jun 9, 2009

Gripe Suína: Brasil tem mais dois casos, elevando total a 40(EN : Swine flu: Brazil has two more cases, bringing total to 40) …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

Gripe Suína: Brasil tem mais dois casos, elevando total a 40
A Organização Mundial da Saúde admite: está preparando o mundo para declarar a primeira pandemia de gripe, em 41 anos. A OMS reconheceu que o estágio da ...
Swine flu: Brazil has two more cases, bringing total to 40
The World Health Organization admits: the world is preparing to declare the first influenza pandemic in 41 years. The WHO recognized that the stage of ...
June 10, 2009


Madrid oculta el nombre de los colegios con nuevos casos de gripe
El primero, ¿qué pasaría si eleva el nivel de alerta a 6, el de pandemia? No se trata de una duda sanitaria. Como ha dicho el asesor de la organización, ...
Madrid hidden the names of the schools with new cases of influenza
First, what if the alert level rises to 6, the pandemic? This is not a health question. As the advisor of the organization, ...
June 10, 2009
El País (España)

Aumentan a 89 casos de influenza H1N1 en Honduras
La OMS dijo el martes que está cerca de declarar una pandemia totalmente desarrollada, causada por la nueva cepa del virus de la gripe H1N1, pero expresó ...
Increase to 89 cases of H1N1 influenza in Honduras
WHO said Tuesday it is close to declaring a pandemic fully developed, caused by new strain of influenza virus H1N1, but said ...
June 10, 2009
La Prensa Gráfica

Bruselas pide una estrategia europea en la vacunación contra la ...
... que permita definir qué sectores de la población deben ser tratados con prioridad, ante la posibilidad inminente de una pandemia. ...
Brussels seeks European strategy on vaccination against ...
... to identify which sectors of the population should be treated with priority over the possibility of an imminent pandemic. ...
June 10, 2009

Detectan tres casos de nueva gripa en Colombia; ya suman 28 los ...
Por su parte, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que está cerca de declarar una pandemia totalmente desarrollada. Según las más recientes cifras ...
Detected three new cases of flu in Colombia, and joined the 28 ...
For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it is close to declaring a pandemic fully developed. According to the latest figures ...
June 10, 2009
El Tiempo (Colombia)

Un experto pide ser muy cautos con el uso de los antivirales ...
Según este experto, esta terapia podría considerarse como complementaria e incluso sustitutoria en el caso de una pandemia dado su bajo coste, ...
One expert asked to be very careful with the use of antiviral ...
According to this expert, this therapy could be considered as complementary and alternative in the event of a pandemic, given its low cost, ...
June 10, 2009
Europa Press

いまのところ、新型ワクチンの製造を優先し、高病原性鳥インフルエンザ(H5N1)のプレパンデミックワクチンについては、年明けから製造に入りたい考えだ。 厚労省は8日、新型ワクチン製造に必要なウイルス株を国内のワクチンメーカー4社・団体に発送したが、鶏の有 ...
INFURU new vaccines, 25 million this year
Currently, prioritizing the production of new vaccines, the highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) on the PUREPANDEMIKKUWAKUCHIN, want to manufacture it from the beginning of the year. The ministry has, in a vaccine manufacturer to produce vaccine virus strain and the four new ships in the group, the chickens have ...
June 10, 2009

Grippe porcine: Bruxelles veut une stratégie européenne de vaccination
... définir des populations à traiter prioritairement, au moment où le risque de pandémie se rapproche, mais les pays de l'UE veulent un temps de réflexion. ...
Swine flu: Brussels wants a European strategy for vaccination
... identify priority populations, when the risk of pandemic is approaching, but the EU countries want a time of reflection. ...
June 10, 2009

Empresa britânica se junta a chinesa para produzir vacina
“Este acordo vai incluir vacinas para a gripe comum, pré-pandemia e gripe de pandemia e é esperado que as vacinas estejam disponíveis nos próximos anos”, ...
UK company joins the Chinese to produce vaccine
"This agreement will include vaccines for avian common, pre-pandemic and pandemic influenza and to be expected that the vaccines are available in the coming years," ...
June 10, 2009
Agência Lusa

China beginnt mit Vakzin-Produktion gegen Neuen Influenza-Virus
Die WHO hatte die Gefahrenstufe einer pandemie am 29. April von vier auf fünf erhöht. Wie die WHO-Chefin Margaret Chan früher erklärt hatte, ...
China begins with vaccine production against new influenza virus
The WHO had the security level of a pandemic on 29 April by four to five increased. As the WHO head Margaret Chan earlier had stated ...
June 10, 2009
RIA Novosti

La grippe A/H1N1, un casse-tête pour les Chinois
... experts du « comité central » sur la propagation de la grippe A/H1N1 à travers le monde et a décidé de ne pas hausser le niveau de la pandémie au maximal.
Influenza A/H1N1, a headache for the Chinese
... experts of the "Central Committee" on the spread of influenza A/H1N1 in the world and decided not to raise the level of pandemic maximum.
June 9, 2009
Top Actus

北京市專家組根據患者的臨床表現、流行病學調查和實驗室檢測結果,按照衛生部制定的診療方案,判定7名患者均為H1N1甲型流感(人類豬流感)確診病例。 目前,7名患者病情穩定,生命體徵平穩,正接受隔離治療。北京市衛生部門正全力查找密切接觸者。
Beijing added seven confirmed cases of H1N1
Beijing Group of Experts on the basis of clinical manifestations of patients, epidemiological investigation and laboratory test results, diagnosis and treatment in accordance with the Ministry of Health to develop programs to determine all seven patients with influenza A H1N1 (human swine flu) confirmed cases. At present, 7 patients with stable vital signs were stable, being treated in isolation. Beijing is making every effort to find the health sector in close contact.
June 9, 2009

Grippe A : un sommet en juillet au Mexique
Le déclenchement de cette alerte maximale, qui annoncerait l'apparition de la première grande pandémie grippale du XXIe siècle, ne préjugerait pas de la ...
Influenza A: a peak in July in Mexico
The triggering of this alert, which would herald the emergence of the first major pandemic of the twenty-first century, would not prejudice the ...
June 9, 2009

主任段立新接到信息立即下达命令,随后,由流调、检验、消毒、宣教等人员组成的现场调查处置小组着手准备相关物品器材,于2点45分出发,3点到达现场,到达现场后迅速开展划定禁界区隔离、个案调查、流行病学分析、标本采样和消毒等应急处置工作。演练结束后,指挥部立即组织评估,总结经验教训。 在疾控中心主任段立新指挥下,应急处置机动队按照 ...
Shandong Province Dezhou City influenza prevention and control exercise carried out
Lixin Duan information received orders immediately, followed by the stream transfer, inspection, disinfection, and other education personnel on-site investigation group to begin preparations for the disposal of equipment related items, 2:45 to start at 3:00 to arrive at the scene, arrived at the scene quickly cut demarcation of border areas to carry out segregation, case studies, epidemiological analysis of samples, such as sampling and disinfection work to deal with emergencies. After the exercise, command immediately to assess lessons learned. Director of the CDC under the command of a new paragraph, mobile teams to deal with emergencies in accordance with the ...
June 9, 2009

Glaxo in £21 million China joint venture
The agreement, which covers vaccines for seasonal and pandemic flu vaccines, helps Brentford-based Glaxo to secure its position as a leading flu-vaccine ...
June 9, 2009
This is London

NTTコム、「モバイルコネクト 安否確認/一斉通報サービス」でパンデミック対応の機能を強化
NTTコミュニケーションズ(略称:NTT Com)は、災害時の従業員や家族の安否確認、関係者への一斉連絡などを行うことができる「モバイルコネクト 安否確認/一斉通報サービス」に関して、新型インフルエンザなどパンデミックに対応した更なる機能強化を実施します ...
NTT Com, "Connect Mobile Safety Confirmation / broadcast service" enhancements to the pandemic response in
NTT Communications (abbreviation: NTT Com), confirm the safety of employees and family disasters, and can simultaneously contact the official "Connect Mobile Safety Confirmation / broadcast service" for the avian flu and PANDEMIKKU further enhanced to support implementation ...
June 9, 2009
日本経済新聞 (プレスリリース)

Health system gets mixed grades on flu response
The report, titled The pandemic Flu: Lessons From the Frontlines also cautions, however, that the nation's core public health capacity would be very quickly ...
June 9, 2009

The swine flu may claim first victim
This means all governments have to mobilize their pandemic flu plans. Flu experts are watching the situation in Australia and Chile carefully as they are ...
June 9, 2009
la estrella

Une protéine bouclier contre la grippe A ?
Alors que la pandémie de grippe A ou grippe H1N1 continue sa progression (le nombre de cas confirmés continue d'augmenter) des équipes de chercheurs de ...
A protein shield against influenza A?
While the pandemic influenza A or influenza H1N1 continues to grow (the number of confirmed cases continues to increase) teams of researchers ...
June 9, 2009
Santé Actu

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