Jun 11, 2009

「世界は大流行初期段階」=新型インフル、今後1~2年拡大−WHO(EN : "World's initial rage" = new INFURU the next 1-2 years expansion-WHO) …

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>

【ジュネーブ11日時事】世界保健機関(WHO)のチャン事務局長は11日、ジュネーブのWHO本部での記者会見で「新型インフルエンザは世界的な大流行(パンデミック)の初期段階にある」と表明するとともに、「さらなる感染拡大は避けられない」と述べ、各国に監視の ...
"World's initial rage" = new INFURU the next 1-2 years expansion-WHO
GENEVA - The current 11 day World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Chang 11, WHO's Geneva headquarters said, "Pandemic flu is a global epidemic (pandemic) in the early stages of" express and and, "further spread is inevitable," Monitoring the world ...
June 12, 2009


Gripe matou 27 e infectou mais de 13 mil nos EUA
A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou hoje uma pandemia devido à propagação do vírus A(H1N1). O diretor do CDC, Thomas Frieden, disse por telefone ...
Flu killed 27 and infected more than 13 thousand U.S.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared today a pandemic due to the spread of the virus A (H1N1). The director of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, said by telephone ...
June 12, 2009

Europeus dizem que não há razões para pânico
As autoridades europeias prometeram, esta quinta-feira, medidas para reduzir o impacto da pandemia da gripe A, mas entendem que não há razão para se ceder ...
Europeans say there is no reason to panic
European authorities have promised, this Thursday, measures to reduce the impact of the pandemic of influenza A, but understands that there is no reason to sell ...
June 12, 2009
TSF Online

Brasil confirma mais nove casos de gripe suína; infectados somam 52
A divulgação dos nove casos ocorre em meio a confirmação do estado de alerta máximo (pandemia), em uma escala de 1 a 6, pela OMS (Organização Mundial da ...
Brazil confirmed nine cases of swine flu, infected total 52
The disclosure of the nine cases occurring in the midst of confirming the state of maximum alert (pandemic), on a scale from 1 to 6, the WHO (World Health ...
June 12, 2009

Düsseldorf - Weitere Erkrankungen
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation hat jetzt den pandemie-Alarm ausgerufen. In Deutschland ist Düsseldorf Grippeherd Nummer eins. Immer mehr Menschen werden ...
Dusseldorf - Other diseases
The World Health Organization has now received the pandemic alert was declared. In Germany, Dusseldorf Grippeherd number one. More and more people are ...
June 12, 2009

pandemie-Ausrufung ändert wenig in Deutschland
BERLIN: Trotz der Hochstufung der Schweinegrippe zu einer pandemie wird sich in Deutschland nach Auskunft des Robert Koch- Instituts zunächst nichts ...
Pandemic proclamation little change in Germany
BERLIN: Despite the upgrade of the pigs to a flu pandemic is now in Germany, according to the Robert Koch Institute is nothing ...
June 12, 2009
Deutsche Welle

Bisher sieben Fälle in Österreich
Die Ausrufung der höchsten pandemie-Warnstufe gilt auch für Österreich. Am Freitag wird der erweiterte Expertenstab einberufen, um zu beraten, ...
So far seven cases in Austria
The proclamation of the highest pandemic warning also applies to Austria. On Friday, the expanded staff of experts convened to advise ...
June 12, 2009

Ministério da Saúde situa país “longe da situação de pandemia”
Portugal está ainda longe de uma situação de pandemia da Gripe A H1N1, reagiu esta quinta-feira o Ministério de Ana Jorge, depois de a Organização Mundial ...
Ministry of Health located country "away from the situation of a pandemic"
Portugal is still far from a situation of a pandemic of influenza A H1N1, reacted this Thursday the Ministry of Ana Jorge, after the World ...
June 12, 2009

Nationaler pandemieplan
Sie ergibt sich aus dem aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft und Daten der pandemie, heißt es im Plan. Bevorzugt wird auch der Personenkreis, der aktiv an der ...
Nationaler pandemieplan
It arises from the current state of scientific knowledge and data of the pandemic, says the plan. Preference will also be the people who actively participate in the ...
June 12, 2009

Sanofi-Aventis: 'prêt' face à l'émergence de la grippe A.
... aujourd'hui d'élever l'alerte sur le virus H1N1 du niveau 5 au niveau 6, le plus haut niveau d'alerte de préparation à une pandémie sur le plan mondial. ...
Sanofi-Aventis' ready 'response to the emergence of influenza A.
... today to raise the alert about the virus H1N1 level 5 to level 6, the highest alert level of pandemic preparedness at the global level. ...
June 12, 2009
Cercle Finance

Pas de mesures supplémentaires en Suisse
Le passage au niveau 6 pour le monde entier signifie qu'une pandémie est en cours, que le virus n'a pas pu être contenu et que sa propagation ne pourra ...
No additional measures in Switzerland
The move to level 6 for the world means that a pandemic is underway, that the virus could not be contained and that its spread can not ...
June 12, 2009
20 minutes.ch

Deux nouveau cas de grippe porcine en Egypte: 12 au total
L'OMS a déclenché jeudi le niveau 6 d'alerte maximale face à la grippe porcine A(H1N1) désormais considérée comme une pandémie mondiale, la première du 21e ...
Two new cases of swine influenza in Egypt: 12 in total
WHO has triggered Thursday level 6 high alert to face swine influenza A (H1N1) is now considered a global pandemic, the first of the 21st ...
June 12, 2009

Número de casos da gripe suína dispara no Canadá
Hoje, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou a doença como uma pandemia. Os números divulgados pelas autoridades canadenses representam um ...
Number of cases of swine flu shoot in Canada
Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the disease as a pandemic. Figures released by the Canadians are a ...
June 12, 2009
Último Segundo

Cuba anuncia o primeiro caso de gripe suína em uma cubana
A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) consultará nesta quinta-feira seu comitê de urgência sobre a gripe suína e pode declarar uma pandemia do vírus da ...
Cuba announces the first case of swine flu in a Cuban
The World Health Organization (WHO) consultation on this Thursday its emergency committee on avian and swine may declare a pandemic virus ...
June 12, 2009

Suécia diz que OMC eleva ameaça de gripe H1N1 para nível máximo
... Mundial de Saúde (OMS) decidiu elevar o nível de ameaça do vírus da gripe H1N1 para o nível seis, patamar máximo da escala e que indica pandemia. ...
Sweden says WTO raises threat of avian H1N1 to maximum
... World Health (WHO) decided to raise the level of threat of H1N1 influenza virus to level six, level up the scale and indicating pandemic. ...
June 12, 2009

Googleでインフルエンザ/パンデミック対策 電算システム
現在流行中の新型インフルエンザは、今後の第2波によるパンデミック(大流行)も懸念されており、その際に備えた対策が求められている。 万が一、大半の社員が自宅待機になった際の事業継続を支援する「Google Apps パンデミック対策パック」が、(株)電算システムから ...
Google influenza / pandemic 電算SHISUTEMU measures
Current epidemic of avian flu, the first wave of the next pandemic (epidemic) and also is a concern, which needs to be with you. Should continue to support the business for employees to furlough most of the "Google Apps Pack anti-pandemic", the (stock) from電算SHISUTEMU ...
June 11, 2009
Techinsight japan

危険なインフルエンザのパンデミック(世界的大流行)が現実になった場合、事業継続計画(BCP)として求められる機能を提供する。自宅待機中の従業員が、自分と家族の健康状態をオンラインで登録。これによって、企業はデータベースを構築し、全社的な状況を容易に把握 ...
Cybozu, prepare for the expansion of avian flu, "infectious condition" and the system
Risk of influenza pandemic (worldwide epidemic) when the reality is, business continuity planning (BCP) to provide the required functionality. Employees waiting at home, online registration and your family's health. The company is building a database, easily a company-wide ...
June 11, 2009

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