Feb 26, 2009

Pandemic Influenza Information Feb 26, 2009

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
・Le mécanisme d'infection du virus de la grippe dévoilé    
Compte tenu du risque de pandémie si des souches de grippe aviaire acquièrent la capacité d'altérer facilement les cellules humaines, le développement de ...

The mechanism of infection of influenza virus unveiled
Considering the risk of pandemic if the avian flu strain acquired the ability to easily alter human cells, the development of ...


keyword:     "pandémie"        Feb 25, 2009 00:30  (Intelink)

・ウイルス感染防ぐ抗体 A型インフルの一部に効果 米チーム発表    
ヒトの間での大流行(パンデミック)が懸念されるA型鳥インフルエンザのH5N1亜型や、1918年のスペイン風邪の原因となったH1N1亜型のウイルス感染を防ぐヒト抗体が特定された。米国のハーバード大や疾病対策センターなどの研究チームが23日、米科学誌 ...

A virus antibodies to prevent its effect on the U.S. team some type INFURU
Pandemic among humans (pandemic) is the fear of bird flu type A and subtype H5N1, which caused the 1918 Spanish flu of the H1N1 human antibody specific subtype of the virus to prevent infection. A team of researchers at Harvard and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and 23, the U.S. magazine Science.


keyword:     "パンデミック"        Feb 25, 2009 09:36  (朝日新聞)

・Viral Pandemic H5N1 flu threat: Baxter contaminates European labs by error   
There are severe signs that the long expected pandemic avian influenza could be on its way to conquer the world - even without Baxter's error driven help. ...

http://www.lifegen.de/newsip/shownews.php4?getnews=Feb 24, 2009-5123&pc=s02

keyword:     "pandemic"        Feb 25, 2009 07:57  (Lifegen.de (Abonnement), Germany)

・Questions over vaccine safety    
... a cell-based influenza vaccine which would be capable of churning out 150 million flu shots within six months of Washington declaring a flu pandemic. ...


keyword:     "pandemic"        Feb 25, 2009 07:43  (Independent, UK)

・WHO warns of bird flu vaccine shortage    
But a new WHO-backed study indicates that the quantity that's available is still nowhere near the amount that would be needed to fight a global pandemic. ...

http://www.fiercevaccines.com/story/who-warns-bird-flu-vaccine-shortage/Feb 24, 2009

keyword:     "pandemic"        Feb 25, 2009 05:32  (FierceVaccines, DC)

・Vogelgrippe hat Potenzial zur pandemie    
Die UN-Organisationen warnen: Die Gefahr durch Vogelgrippe sei nach wie vor nicht gebannt, das Potenzial zur pandemie sei weiter vorhanden. ...

Vogelgrippe hat Potenzial zur pandemie
The UN agencies warn the danger of bird flu is still not banned, the potential pandemic should continue to exist. ...


keyword:     "pandemie"        Feb 24, 2009 21:30  (Tirol Online)

・Anticorpo derrota vírus da gripe aviária, diz estudo    
E a cada trinta anos em média surge uma pandemia. Já está na hora de surgir uma e nós não sabemos como será esse vírus, declarou um dos líderes da ...

Antibody defeat avian flu virus, says study
And thirty years each on average is a pandemic. Now it's time to come over and we will not know how this virus, said one of the leaders of ...


keyword:     "pandemia"        Feb 24, 2009 02:30  (Gazeta da Serra)

・Grippe aviaire : le Vietman doit être vigilant    
... facilement transmissible entre humains, ajoute Jean-Marc Olivé. Si cela se produit, nous pourrions voir le début d'une nouvelle pandémie de grippe.

Avian flu: Vietnam must be vigilant
... easily transmissible between humans, "says Jean-Marc Olivé. If this happens, we could see the beginning of a new influenza pandemic.


keyword:     "pandémie"        Feb 23, 2009 19:30  (Enviro2B)

・Grippe, vers un traitement universel ?    
Dans le cas d'une pandémie de grippe, ces personnes à risque ainsi que d'autres (par exemple, les premiers intervenants et le personnel médical) pourraient ...

Influenza, to a universal treatment?
In the case of an influenza pandemic, these people at risk and others (eg, first responders and medical personnel) could ...


keyword:     "pandémie"        Feb 23, 2009 19:30  (nouvelobs.com)

・Identificados anticorpos que protegem ratos de várias estirpes do vírus da gripe   
Segundo ele, em caso de epidemia, anticorpos humanos monoclonais poderiam constituir um complemento importante dos anti virais para conter a pandemia, ...

Identified antibodies that protect mice from several strains of ...
According to him, in case of epidemic, human monoclonal antibodies could be an important addition to the anti virus to contain the pandemic, ...


keyword:     "pandemia"        2009-02-22 00:00  (Público.pt)

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