Mar 31, 2009

Health Agency Verifies Performance of CombiMatrix's Influenza ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Health Agency Verifies Performance of CombiMatrix's Influenza ...

... strains are starting to propagate, and, importantly, can help to spot if potentially dangerous strains such as H5N1 bird flu are starting to appear. ...
March 31, 2009

Bill Gimson Named Executive Director of the Cancer Prevention and ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Bill Gimson Named Executive Director of the Cancer Prevention and ...

... improvement master plan, improving agency security and continuity of operations following 9/11, and preparing for an outbreak of pandemic influenza. ...
March 31, 2009 (Pressemitteilung)

Intercell Announces FDA Approval of IXIARO(R), a Novel Vaccine to ...

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Intercell Announces FDA Approval of IXIARO(R), a Novel Vaccine to ...

Intercell is also in clinical trials of a vaccine enhancement patch with injected pandemic influenza vaccines (one shot plus patch). ...
March 31, 2009
PR Newswire (press release)

Mar 25, 2009


This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Video Reference>
Bird Flu Almost Flew the Coop part 1

Bird Flu Almost Flew the Coop part 2

Bird Flu Almost Flew the Coop part 3

Bird flu drug hope from Indian trees

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Bird flu drug hope from Indian trees

Oseltamivir has been used during outbreaks of bird flu to protect people who may come in contact with infected birds. Central government health authorities ...
March 25, 2009
Calcutta Telegraph

The human flu virus and avian mixed by mistake

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Les virus des grippes humaine et aviaire mélangés par erreur
H2N2 est le virus à l'origine de la pandémie de 1957, qui a fait 2 millions de morts, bien moins que les 50 millions de morts de la grippe espagnole de 1918 ...

The human flu virus and avian mixed by mistake
H2N2 is the virus causing the pandemic of 1957 which resulted in 2 million deaths, far less than the 50 million dead of the Spanish flu of 1918 ...
March 24, 2009
Les mots ont un sens

bird flu in Egypt

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Egyptian woman contracts bird flu - WHO

While H5N1 rarely infects people, scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people, unleashing a pandemic that could kill ...
March 23, 2009

Reportan nuevo caso de gripe aviar en Egipto
... a una forma en la que se transmita fácilmente entre las personas, desatando una pandemia que podría causar la muerte de miles de millones de personas. ...

Reported new cases of bird flu in Egypt
... a way that is easily transmitted between humans, triggering a pandemic that could kill billions of people. ...
March 24, 2009

bird flu in Vietnam

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Woman suspected of dying from bird flu tests negative

Hang was admitted to the hospital last Monday with symptoms similar to those of bird flu including headache, fatigue, and respiratory distress. ...
March 24, 2009
Thanh Nien Daily

Woman suspected of dying from bird flu in Vietnam
... but scientists fear that the virus could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible among humans and spark a global pandemic that could kill ...
March 23, 2009
Visit Bulgaria

In Indonesia, bird flu research project

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Indonesia's Health Minister rejects foreign funding

She said the decree was issued to reduce Indonesia’s dependency on foreign funding especially for research of potentially pandemic diseases such as bird flu ...
March 24, 2009
FutureGov Magazine

However, Bayu Krisnamurthi, executive director of the National Committee for Bird Flu Control and Pandemic Preparedness, said there was no evidence the ...
March 25, 2009
Poultry Indonesia Online

‘Mx’ gene in indigenous chickens keeps the flu away: Study
According to the Indonesia National Committee for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, there have been 145 human cases of bird flu ...
March 25, 2009
Jakarta Post

create a plant-based bird flu vaccine in Delaware

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Nason Construction named construction manager for Fraunhofer USA ...

The expansion project will allow Fraunhofer USA to continue working to create a plant-based bird flu vaccine developed under Good Manufacturing Practices as ...
March 25, 2009
Building Design & Construction

Anti-influenza in Tennessee

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
City Asks For 4000 Health Volunteers

The effort is a precaution that will help the city to be prepared in the event there was a pandemic flu outbreak or biological attack. ...
March 25, 2009

Anti-influenza in Colorado

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Health officials discuss pandemic issue

By REBECCA ALAMOSA― Leaders from the San Luis Valley counties gathered on Tuesday to discuss and plan for pandemic during the San Luis Valley Medical Surge ...
March 25, 2009
Valley Courier Online

Mar 24, 2009

Survey of vaccine contamination by avian influenza viruses at Baxter International

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Enquête sur une contamination de vaccins par le virus de la grippe ...
H2N2, le virus à l’origine de la pandémie de 1957, n’était plus en circulation depuis 1968 et est considéré comme le principal candidat à l’origine de la ...

Investigation into contamination of vaccines by the flu virus ...
H2N2, the virus causing the pandemic of 1957 was no longer in circulation since 1968 and is considered the main candidate for the origin of the ...
March 23, 2009

bird flu in Bangladesh

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Overall Avian Influenza Situation In Bangladesh Stabilized: World Bank

With the detection of first human case of avian influenza in May 2008, Bangladesh has moved into the 'Pandemic Alert Stage,' said the Bank. ...
March 23, 2009
Exchange Morning Post

struggle with drug-resistant flu

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Docs struggle with drug-resistant flu

Type A H1N1 is resistant to Tamiflu, the anti-viral that until now been the first choice for treating both seasonal flu and bird flu, USA Today reported ...
March 24, 2009
United Press International

bird flu in Japan

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Quarantine lifted at two quail farms in Aichi over bird flu outbreak
NAGOYA -- Quarantine restrictions were lifted on two quail farms in Aichi Prefecture Sunday, following a recent outbreak of avian flu. ...
March 23, 2009
Mainichi Daily News

bird flu in Egypt

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Egyptian woman contracts bird flu: WHO
While H5N1 rarely infects people, scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people, unleashing a pandemic that could kill ...
March 24, 2009
Reuters UK

bird flu in Vietnam

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Suspected Bird Flu Victim in Vietnam

Hanoi, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) A 26-year old woman is suspectedly the fourth victim of bird flu in Vietnam so far this year after she died with symptoms ...
March 24, 2009
Prensa Latina

Woman suspected of dying of bird flu
Vietnamese authorities have confirmed three bird-flu deaths so far this year. On Friday, authorities in the Mekong province of Hau Giang announced they had ...
March 24, 2009
Thanh Nien Daily

Mekong woman dies, bird flu suspected
Bird flu has claimed three deaths in the country so far this year. LONG AN ― Three slaughter houses were fined a total of VND100 million (US$5880) by the ...
March 23, 2009
Viet Nam News

Dong Thap to step up bird flu fight after death of 3-year-old boy
Health officials have called for strengthened precautionary and preventive measures against the spread of bird flu in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap ...
March 23, 2009
Thanh Nien Daily

Vietnamese woman dies of suspected bird flu
23, 2009 (Xinhua News Agency) -- A Vietnamese 26-year-old woman from Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang died with symptoms similar to bird flu patients, ...
March 23, 2009 (press release)

Vietnamese woman dies of suspected bird flu
HANOI, March 23 (Xinhua) -- A Vietnamese 26-year-old woman from Mekong Delta province of Soc Trang died with symptoms similar to bird flu patients, ...
March 23, 2009

Mar 23, 2009


This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Video Reference>

Will The Bird Flu Be President Obamas 9 11 in 2009

Study finds drug resistance in some African bird flu virus mutations

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Study finds drug resistance in some African bird flu virus mutations

Scientists classified 67 H5N1 bird flu viruses found in Africa into three distinct families and discovered that some are capable of mutating to become ...
March 21, 2009

Sanofi and Baxter, flu vaccine

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
pandémie grippale : le candidat-vaccin de Sanofi Pasteur se voit ...

Le dossier déposé à l’EMEA n’était en fait qu’un modèle, qui devait permettre de faciliter l’enregistrement futur du vaccin, une fois la pandémie déclarée » ...

Pandemic influenza: the candidate vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur is ...
The dossier submitted to the EMEA was in fact a model that should facilitate the future registration of the vaccine once the pandemic is declared ...
March 21, 2009
Destination Sant&eacute;

Enquête sur une contamination...
H2N2, le virus à l’origine de la pandémie de 1957, n’était plus en circulation depuis 1968 et est considéré comme le principal candidat à l’origine de la ...

Survey contamination ...
H2N2, the virus causing the pandemic of 1957 was no longer in circulation since 1968 and is considered the main candidate for the origin of the ...
March 20, 2009

In Indonesia, bird flu research project

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Govt allots Rp 200 billion for bird flu research
SURABAYA: The government has allocated Rp 200 billion (US$17 billion) to finance research on bird flu in an effort to prevent and mitigate the spread of the ...
March 21, 2009
Jakarta Post

Minister Wary of Foreign ‘Attack’
Supari surprised the world when she abruptly stopped sending bird flu virus samples to the World Health Organization in 2007. Supari said the WHO wanted the ...
March 21, 2009
Jakarta Globe

Keeping Medical Research Open
Supari surprised the world when she abruptly stopped sending bird flu samples to the WHO. Supari also said the decree she issued was aimed at reducing ...
March 21, 2009
Jakarta Globe

Tamiflu still is effective against bird flu

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Drug-resistant flu strains throw doctors a curve
Tamiflu still is effective against bird flu in most cases, though some variants show signs of reduced sensitivity, says Frederick Hayden of the Infectious ...
March 23, 2009
USA Today

bird flu in BC, Canada

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
BC farms' bird flu-related quarantines lifted

11 respectively to have birds with a low-pathogenicity strain of bird flu. Testing so far suggests the same low-path strain of H5N2 at both farms. ...
March 20, 2009
Manitoba Co-operator

BC farms' bird flu-related quarantines lifted
11 respectively to have birds with a low-pathogenicity strain of bird flu. Testing so far suggests the same low-path strain of H5N2 at both farms. ...
March 20, 2009
Canadian Cattlemen

bird flu kills child in Vietnam

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Medical laboratory opens in Hue City
... Viet Nam and Southeast Asia, allowing tests on highly dangerous viruses such as those causing severe acute respiratory syndrome, bird flu and tuberculosis.
March 23, 2009
Viet Nam News

Mekong woman dies, bird flu suspected
Bird flu has claimed three deaths in the country so far this year, with the most recent victim from southern Dong Thap province, and two others in the ...
March 22, 2009
Thai News Agency MCOT

Suspected bird flu patient dies in Soc Trang
VietNamNet Bridge - Veterinarians have quarantined and disinfected hamlet 23 in Chau Hung commune, Thanh Tri district, Soc Trang province, after a female ...
March 21, 2009
VietNamNet Bridge

Bird Flu Death Reported In Vietnam
This case is the third fatality from the H5N1 bird flu virus and the first from the southern region of Vietnam in 2009. Overall Vietnam is the second most ...
March 21, 2009
UKMedix Health News

The People’s Committee in the southern province of Hau Giang announced on March 20 that bird flu was finally contained in Hiep Loi commune (Nga Bay town). ...
March 21, 2009
VietNamNet Bridge

Patient suspected of having bird flu
A four-year-old patient in Chau Thanh district, Dong Thap province, has shown symptoms of the H5N1 virus, according to the director of the district medical ...
March 20, 2009

Bird flu kills three-year-old
A three-year-old boy, from the southern province of Dong Thap, died from bird flu on March 19, three days after being admitted to the Tropical Hospital in ...
March 20, 2009

3-year-old in Vietnam dies of bird flu
The infection was the first human case of bird flu reported in Vietnam's south so far this year. There have been three confirmed cases of bird flu in ...
March 20, 2009
EfluxMedia News

Hau Giang province free of bird flu
The People’s Committee in the southern province of Hau Giang announced on March 20 that bird flu was finally contained in Hiep Loi commune (Nga Bay town). ...
March 20, 2009

Toddler dies from bird flu
HCM CITY ― A patient in HCM City’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases who tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus died yesterday afternoon, ...
March 20, 2009
Viet Nam News

Muere un niño de tres años por gripe aviar
Los científicos temen que el virus mute y dé lugar a una cepa que se extienda con rapidez entre los humanos, provocando una pandemia que mataría a millones ...

A child dies of bird flu for three years
Scientists fear the virus mutate and create a strain that spreads rapidly among humans, triggering a pandemic that would kill millions ...
March 20, 2009
Europa Press

Boy dies of bird flu in Vietnam
A three-year-old Vietnamese boy has died of avian influenza after four days in hospital, a health official said on Friday, bringing Vietnam's bird-flu death ...
March 20, 2009
Fraser Coast Chronicle

Boy, 3, dies of bird flu in Vietnam
A three-year-old Vietnamese boy has died of avian influenza after four days in hospital, a health official said on Friday, bringing Vietnam's bird-flu death ...
March 20, 2009

Boy, 3, dies of bird flu in Vietnam
A three-year-old Vietnamese boy has died of avian influenza after four days in hospital, a health official said on Friday, bringing Vietnam's bird-flu death ...
March 20, 2009
The Age

Vietnamese boy dies from bird flu
HANOI: A three-year-old Vietnamese boy died on Thursday from bird flu, a doctor in southern Ho Chi Minh City said, becoming the country's third human victim ...
March 19, 2009
Channel News Asia

Vietnamese boy dies of bird flu
AP HANOI, Vietnam - A Vietnamese boy died from bird flu Thursday, the country's third human death attributed to the H5N1 virus this year, health officials ...
March 19, 2009

Vietnam boy tests positive for bird flu
HANOI: A three-year-old boy in Vietnam has tested positive for potentially deadly bird flu, doctors said Thursday. The patient from the Mekong delta ...
March 18, 2009
Channel News Asia

Mar 20, 2009


This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Video Reference>
AJTV Bird Flu Part 1

AJTV Bird Flu Part 2

AJTV Bird Flu Part 3

AJTV Bird Flu Part 4

AJTV Bird Flu Part 5

cooked chicken

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
There's no evidence humans can contract the bird flu virus from cooked chicken, which is the only type of poultry China wants to export to the US (The virus ...
March 20, 2009
Wall Street Journal

In Egypt bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Egyptian woman tests positive for bird flu
CAIRO, March 19 (RIA Novosti) - A 38-year-old woman in Egypt has been diagnosed with bird flu, bringing the country's official total number of cases to 59, ...
March 19, 2009
RIA Novosti

In Canada, Bird flu quarantine on British Columbia farms ends

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Bird flu quarantine on British Columbia farms ends

A bird flu-related quarantine has been lifted on 22 poultry farms in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver. A bird flu-related quarantine has been lifted on ...
March 20, 2009
Seattle Times

bird flu kills child in Vietnam

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Bird flu kills toddler
A patient in HCM City’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases who tested positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus died on the afternoon of March 19, ...
March 20, 2009

PRESS DIGEST - Vietnam newspapers - March 20
Doctors suspect a patient hospitalised to Ho Chi Minh City from the southern province of Dong Thap may have bird flu. A three-year-old boy from the same ...
March 20, 2009

FACTBOX-WHO figures for bird flu cases in humans
March 19 (Reuters) - A three-year-old boy infected with the H5N1 bird flu strain has died in southern Vietnam, a state-run online newspaper reported on ...
March 20, 2009

Vietnamese boy, 3, dies of bird flu: doctor
HANOI (AFP) ― A three-year-old Vietnamese boy died Thursday from bird flu, a doctor in southern Ho Chi Minh City said, becoming the country's third human ...
March 20, 2009

Bird flu kills child in Vietnam
A three year old Vietnamese boy has died from bird flu becoming the country's third human victim of the disease this year. A doctor in southern Ho Chi Minh ...
March 20, 2009
Radio Australia News

Bird flu kills 3-year-old boy in southern Vietnam
HANOI, March 19 (Reuters) - A three-year-old boy infected with the H5N1 bird flu strain has died in southern Vietnam, a state-run online newspaper reported ...
March 20, 2009

Vietnam confirms 3rd human case died of bird flu this year
The boy was taken to the Ho Chi Minh Hospital of Tropical Diseases on Monday with symptoms similar to bird flu patients. He contacted with ducks raised by ...
March 19, 2009
People's Daily Online

Vietnamese boy dies of bird flu
HANOI (AP): A Vietnamese boy died from bird flu Thursday, the country's third human death attributed to the H5N1 virus this year, health officials said. ...
March 19, 2009

Vietnamese boy dies from bird flu
A three-year-old Vietnamese boy has died from bird flu, a doctor in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh said. Nguyen Tran Chinh, director of the Tropical ...
March 19, 2009
ABC Online

Vietnamese boy dies of bird flu
It is the country's third human bird-flu death this year. Nguyen Huy Nga of Vietnam's Ministry of Health said the 3-year-old boy died Thursday at a hospital ...
March 19, 2009

1st LD Writethru: Vietnam reports 4th human case of bird flu
The boy, whose name was unveiled, was taken to the Ho Chi Minh Hospital of Tropical Diseases on Monday with symptoms similar to bird flu patients, ...
March 19, 2009 (press release)

Boy in Vietnam tests positive for bird flu
Hanoi - A Vietnamese boy has tested positive for the avian influenza virus, the fourth confirmed human case of bird flu in Vietnam this year, ...
March 19, 2009
Monsters and

Vietnam: Vietnam Reports Another Human Bird Flu Case
HANOI, VIETNAM: Health officials say a Vietnamese boy has tested positive for bird flu, the country's fourth human case this year. ...
March 19, 2009
Sin Chew Jit Poh

Mar 19, 2009


This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Video Reference>
The Health Ranger - Bird Flu pt. 1

The Health Ranger - Bird Flu pt. 2

ATCC Develops and Isolates Novel Avian Flu Monoclonal Antibodies

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
ATCC Develops and Isolates Novel Avian Flu Monoclonal Antibodies
... influenza that is already circulating in the human population and an emerging strain of bird flu, to which humans have no pre-existing immunity. ...
March 16, 2009
MarketWatch (press release)

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 19, 2009>

Italian-funded health centre makes its debut in Hue
... allowing tests on highly dangerous viruses such as those causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), bird flu H5N1 and tuberculosis. ...
March 19, 2009

Human Antibodies Neutralize Avian Flu
The research showed that a great number of different types of bird flu were inhibited by the mAb and that mAbs protected mice that were exposed to the H5N1 ...
March 19, 2009
The Future of Things

Incident spurs groups to consider tighter rules for bio transport
The move comes after batches of the H3N2 seasonal flu virus contaminated with the H5N1 bird flu virus accidentally were delivered to several European ...
March 18, 2009

Bird flu prevention starts in villages: PM
In his remarks Tuesday, Hun Sen called on officials in border provinces to share information about suspected bird flu cases with neighbouring countries. ...
March 18, 2009
Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia launches 11mln-USD project to fight bird flu
We have to prevent bird flu and educate our people about it regularly before it break out and kill people and poultry, Prime Minister Hun Sen, ...
March 18, 2009
Thai News Agency MCOT

New method to test vaccines against flu strains
Avian flu or bird flu is a particularly deadly type of flu that is transmitted from birds to humans. It hasn't yet evolved into a form that can be ...
March 18, 2009

Primed for new flu virus
The next flu pandemic is coming, we are told. But what happens next is mostly unknown. Dr Leong Hoe Nam, a consultant infectious disease physician at ...
March 18, 2009

Cambodia Launches $11 Mln Project to Fight Bird Flu
We have to prevent bird flu and educate our people about it regularly before it break out and kill people and poultry, said Prime Minister Hun Sen, ...
March 17, 2009

We must restore confidence to the general public and healthcare professionals on vaccines, said ROSELYNE BACHELOT

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Il faut redonner confiance au grand public et aux professionnels ...

Ce colloque a traité des problématiques du bilan du vaccin antigrippe, de la préparation de la France à une pandémie grippale et de la confiance du grand ...

We must restore confidence to the general public and professionals ...
The symposium addressed the problem of balance of flu vaccine, the preparation of France for a pandemic influenza and the trust of the general ...
March 18, 2009

In Vietnam bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Vietnam boy tests positive for bird flu: doctors
HANOI (AFP) ― A three-year-old boy in Vietnam has tested positive for potentially deadly bird flu, doctors said Thursday. The patient from the Mekong delta ...
March 19, 2009

Mar 18, 2009


This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Video Reference>

Bird Flu Perspective/Advice

Pandemic Flu Products to Get Special Regulatory Treatment

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Pandemic Flu Products to Get Special Regulatory Treatment
Sponsors of experimental drugs and vaccines for pandemic influenza should be prepared for special attention from the FDA and the European Medicines Agency ...
March 18, 2009
FDA news (subscription)

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 18, 2009>

New Strain of Bird Flu Poses Threat
The third species, influenza A virus, primarily affects birds and is also known as bird flu. Among hundreds of strains of influenza A, the World Health ...
March 18, 2009

Medicago forms new Scientific Advisory Council with highly ...
Medicago is developing VLP vaccines to protect against H5N1 pandemic influenza, using a transient expression system which produces recombinant vaccine ...
March 17, 2009
Canada NewsWire (press release)

Engineering Flu Vaccines

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Engineering Flu Vaccines: New Method Could Improve Vaccines For ...
Rice University scientists who created the method say tests of data from bird flu and seasonal flu outbreaks suggest their method can better gauge the ...
March 18, 2009
Science Daily (press release)

In Indonesia, Kenya, Cambodia and India bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Hospital treats bird flu suspect in Ngawi
Doctor Suroto Hospital in Ngawi is treating a two-year old child allegedly suffering from bird flu, reported on Tuesday. ...
March 18, 2009
Jakarta Post

Kenya issues alert over Bird Flu threat
Kenya in on high alert over a possible outbreak of bird flu, also known as Avian Flu. The warning was issued by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), ...
March 17, 2009
Africa Science News Service

Cambodia launches $11 mln project to fight bird flu
We have to prevent bird flu and educate our people about it regularly before it break out and kill people and poultry, said Prime Minister Hun Sen, ...
March 17, 2009
People's Daily Online

Cambodia launches $11 mln project to fight bird flu
We have to prevent bird flu and educate our people about it regularly before it break out and kill people and poultry, said Prime Minister Hun Sen, ...
March 17, 2009

India-Massive Poultry culling has started.
This will improve the rewards of poultry rearing and prevent bird flu in an unorganised sector, according to officials of the department of animal husbandry ...
March 17, 2009
Farming UK

Mar 17, 2009

In West Bengal bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Fresh bird flu outbreak in West Bengal
Despite government’s strong claim of containing bird flu outbreak in the affected regions, a fresh spate of deadly virus has reportedly been resurfaced in ...
March 16, 2009
Newstrack India

West Bengal reports fresh bird flu outbreak
Panigatha (West Bengal), Mar 16 (ANI): A month after authorities claimed that it was contained, bird flu has resurfaced in West Bengal's Darjeeling district ...
March 16, 2009
Smash Hits

West Bengal reports fresh bird flu outbreak
Panigatha (West Bengal), Mar 16 (ANI): A month after authorities claimed that it was contained, bird flu has resurfaced in West Bengal’s Darjeeling district ...
March 16, 2009

Bird flu hits Darjeeling, culling begins
Siliguri, March 14 (IANS) With a fresh outbreak of avian flu reported from West Bengal’s Darjeeling district, the administration Saturday evening began ...
March 14, 2009

In Germany bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Germany-More Bird Flu.
In the southern German state of Bavaria one of 39 wild ducks shot in January was positive for HPAI H5N1, 38 were negative for influenza A. The cause of the ...
March 16, 2009
Farming UK

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 17, 2009>

Media orientation on bird flu organised
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1, also known as bird flu, H5N1, is a subtype of the Influenza A virus which can cause illness in humans and many other ...
March 15, 2009
Media For Freedom

In Hong Kong bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Bird flu in Hong Kong
Hong Kong authorities say another dead chicken has tested positive for the virulent H5N1 strain of bird flu. The Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation ...
March 13, 2009
eTaiwan News

Mar 16, 2009

In Egypt bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Grippe aviaire: Un nouveau cas en Egypte
... puisse muter sous une forme aisément transmissible d'une personne à une autre, ce qui provoquerait une pandémie pouvant décimer des millions de personnes.

Avian influenza: A new case in Egypt
... can mutate in a form easily transmissible from one person to another, causing a pandemic that could decimate millions of people.
March 11, 2009
Le Mali en ligne

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 16, 2009>

Fears diminishing over viral outbreaks
The devastating pandemic flu of 1918-19 killed 675000 Americans and between 30 million and 50 million worldwide, according to ...
March 15, 2009

Cleanup complete at other BC bird flu site
... strain such as the notorious H5N1 could mutate or combine with a human flu virus that could spread more easily between people and spur a pandemic. ...
March 15, 2009
Alberta Express

Grippeviren werden resistent gegen Tamiflu
Das Medikament Tamiflu galt bisher als Speerspitze im Kampf gegen eine drohende pandemie der Vogelgrippe. Doch nun droht diese Spitze stumpf zu werden. ...

Influenza viruses are resistant to Tamiflu
The drug Tamiflu had been a spearhead in the fight against an impending pandemic of avian flu. But now it threatens to blunt tip. ...
March 14, 2009

Vets provided bird flu training
Experts are also concerned that the virus could mutate into a strain that is transmissible between humans, potentially causing a global influenza pandemic. ...
March 13, 2009

In China bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
China bird flu effort in question after new cases
... but scientists' deepest fear is that a pandemic killing millions could be triggered if the virus mutated to become easily transferable between humans. ...
March 15, 2009

China bird flu effort in question after new cases
... but scientists' deepest fear is that a pandemic killing millions could be triggered if the virus mutated to become easily transferable between humans. ...
March 15, 2009

In Germany bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Allemagne : le virus H5N1 détecté sur un canard sauvage
Toutefois, les scientifiques redoutent une pandémie alors que le virus peut muter et provoquer une transmission entre humains.

Germany: H5N1 detected in a wild duck
However, scientists fear a pandemic when the virus can mutate and cause a transmission between humans.
March 15, 2009

H5N1: Vogelgrippe-Erreger erreichen Deutschland
H5N1 zählt nämlich zu den möglichen Komponenten des kommenden pandemie-Supererregers - und gelangte erst vor einem Monat aus der Forschungspipeline des ...

H5N1: Avian Flu pathogens reach Germany
H5N1 is one of the possible components of the next pandemic virus superpower - and came only a month ago from the research pipeline of ...
March 15, 2009 (Abonnement)

H5N1: Hoch pathogene Vogelgrippe-Erreger erreichen Deutschland
H5N1 zählt nämlich zu den möglichen Komponenten des kommenden pandemie-Supererregers - und gelangte erst vor einem Monat aus der Forschungspipeline des ...

H5N1: Highly pathogenic avian pathogens reach Germany
H5N1 is one of the possible components of the next pandemic virus superpower - and came only a month ago from the research pipeline of ...
March 13, 2009 (Abonnement)

Mar 13, 2009

In Kenya bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Kenya-Bird Flu-Alert Kenya on high alert over bird flu, says official
APA-Nairobi (Kenya) A two-day East African Community (EAC) partner states national human and national pandemic influenza regional workshop kicked off in ...
March 13, 2009
African Press Agency

In Hong Kong bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
HK bird tests positive for H5N1
Most had close contact with sick birds, but scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form that would spread rapidly among humans, causing a pandemic. ...
March 13, 2009
Straits Times

Mediziner in Hongkong befürchten Vogelgrippegefahr nach Fund von ...
Die Mediziner befürchten jedoch eine hohe Mutationsfähigkeit des Virus, die zur Übertragung der Krankheit von Mensch zu Mensch führen und eine pandemie ...

Doctors in Hong Kong bird flu fears after discovery of danger ...
The doctors feared, however, a high ability of the mutant virus that is designed to transfer the disease from person to person and lead a pandemic ...
March 13, 2009
RIA Novosti

El ave encontrada muerta hace poco en Hong Kong estuvo infectada ...
... pero los médicos advierten sobre su alta capacidad de mutación, la que puede redundar en contagio de ser humano a ser humano y provocar una pandemia. ...

The birds found dead recently in Hong Kong was infected ...
... but doctors warn about its high capacity of mutation, which can result in infection of humans and cause a human pandemic. ...
March 13, 2009
RIA Novosti

In EGYPT bird flu virus 2

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
EGYPT: Bird flu cases among young children raise concerns
While H5N1 rarely infects people, experts fear it could mutate into a form that could easily be passed from one person to another, leading to a pandemic ...
March 12, 2009

Egypte : Nouveau cas de grippe aviaire - Santé - Webzine
... puisse muter sous une forme aisément transmissible d'une personne à une autre, ce qui provoquerait une pandémie pouvant décimer des millions de personnes.

Egypt: New case of bird flu - Health - Webzine
... can mutate in a form easily transmissible from one person to another, causing a pandemic that could decimate millions of people.
March 12, 2009

Special Protein Boosts T-Cell Production

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Special Protein Boosts T-Cell Production for More Powerful Vaccine
Stephen Turner has been working on ways to make flu vaccines more effective - with an eye to creating a better way to stop a possible pandemic of avian ...
March 13, 2009
Voice of America

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 13, 2009>

pandemie-Vorsorge nicht in Gefahr
Für die Bekämpfung einer möglichen pandemie sind die beiden Wirkstoffe immer noch ohne Alternative: Resistenzen gegen Oseltamivir sind für H5N1 nach Angaben ...
Pandemic preparedness is not in danger
To combat a possible pandemic, the two agents are still without alternative: resistance to oseltamivir for H5N1, according to ...
March 13, 2009

Vaccines infected with deadly avian flu virus
Had the contamination not been detected, the vaccines may have started an avian flu pandemic, killing hundreds of thousands of people. ...
March 12, 2009
What Doctors Don't Tell You

Volunteer presents extensive credentials for emergency management ...
Even though Franklin Park is unlikely to experience a catastrophe, Dr. Stein is convinced that some type of pandemic influenza outbreak will occur in the ...
March 12, 2009
Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Registado novo caso de gripe aviária
... a mudar para uma forma facilmente transmissível duma pessoa para outra, o que provocaria uma pandemia susceptível de dizimar vários milhões de pessoas.

Registered new cases of avian influenza
... to change into a form easily transmissible one person to another, causing a pandemic which could decimate several million people.,1a1d57db-aa17-4676-b356-12d701b21bf7.html
March 12, 2009

Source: Former NYC health commissioner tapped for FDA
... secretary during the Clinton administration and helped lay the groundwork for much of the government's bioterrorism preparations and pandemic flu planning.
March 12, 2009
San Jose Mercury News

Transat promet de jouer conservateur pour retrouver la rentabilité
Transat a envisagé diverses crises, qu'elles soient économiques ou de santé (par exemple une pandémie de grippe aviaire). On a des plans où si demain matin ...
Transat Conservative promises to play to regain profitability
Transat has considered various crises, whether economic or health (eg avian influenza). We have plans or if tomorrow morning ...
March 11, 2009
La Presse Canadienne

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Awards $12 Million to ...
... countermeasures quickly enough to be effective against rapidly emerging biological threat agents, such as pandemic flu and anthrax biological weapons. ...
March 11, 2009
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung)

RWJF Launches $19 Million Public Health Law Research Program
New threats like bio-terrorism, pandemic flu, chronic diseases, hurricanes and breakdowns in food safety will raise legal challenges and potential solutions ...
March 12, 2009
Medical News Today (press release)

Mar 12, 2009

New threats like bio-terrorism, pandemic flu

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
And The Job of Reforming the FDA Goes To …
... and evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services, where she created a bioterrorism initiative and led planning for pandemic flu response. ...
March 12, 2009
Attorney at Law

RWJF to fund health-law research program
New threats like bio-terrorism, pandemic flu, chronic diseases, hurricanes and breakdowns in food safety will raise legal challenges and potential solutions ...
March 12, 2009

Former New York Health Commissioner Picked to Lead FDA
... and evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services, where she created a bioterrorism initiative and led planning for pandemic flu response. ...
March 12, 2009
New York Times

H5N1: In GERMANY bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
H5N1: In Starnberg wurde Vogelgrippe-Virus entdeckt
Wissenschaftler befürchten, dass sich die von Tieren übertragenen Viren mit menschlichen Grippenviren kombinieren könnten. Eine pandemie, dh eine weltweite ...

H5N1: In Starnberg bird flu virus was discovered
Scientists fear that the animals carry viruses with human influenza virus could combine. A pandemic, or worldwide ...
March 11, 2009

Hallan brote de gripe aviar en Alemania
Las mutaciones son normales y ya han pasado con anterioridad, como la pandemia por gripe causada en 1918 conocida como gripe española, una variante de ...

Outbreak of avian flu found in Germany
Mutations are normal and have gone before, the pandemic caused by influenza in 1918 known as Spanish flu, a variant of ...
March 12, 2009
Alto Nivel

In EGYPT bird flu virus

This blog using web news aggregating service called "news!eye".
I have monitoring, clipping and analysis about Pandemic Influenza Information everyday.

<Today's special>
Infant girl becomes 58th Egyptian infected with bird flu virus
... experts fear that the bird flu virus may mutate into a form that could be easily transmitted from person to person, causing a global pandemic.
March 11, 2009
RIA Novosti

Niña egipcia contrae gripe aviaria: agencia
... expertos temen que pueda mutar a una forma en la que se transmita de humano en humano y cause una pandemia que acabaría con la vida de millones de personas.

Egyptian girl contracted bird flu: agency
... Experts fear it could mutate into a form that is transmitted from human to human, causing a pandemic that would kill the lives of millions.
March 11, 2009
Reuters Am&eacute;rica Latina

Egipto regista novo caso de gripe aviária
... a mudar para uma forma facilmente transmissível duma pessoa para outra, o que provocaria uma pandemia susceptível de dizimar vários milhões de pessoas.

Egypt records new cases of avian influenza
... to change into a form easily transmissible one person to another, causing a pandemic which could decimate several million people.
March 12, 2009

<Pandemic Influenza Information Mar 12, 2009>

Today in Health History
The flu pandemic of 1918 claimed 675000 American lives and more than 20 million worldwide before vanishing as quickly as it began.
March 12, 2009

Vogelgrippe weltweit: Der lange Kampf gegen das Virus
Dann könnte eine starke, weltweite Grippewelle - eine sogenannte pandemie - drohen. Das Virus hat sich, seit wir es seit 1996 beobachten, ...

Bird flu around the world: The long battle against the virus
Then, a strong, world-wide wave of flu - a pandemic known - threat. The virus has, since we have observed since 1996, ...
March 12, 2009

Les grandes villes travaillent à renforcer leurs moyens pour ...
L'histoire récente a montré que les villes sont exposées aux épidémies et qu'il faut se préparer au pire, par exemple à une pandémie grippale. ...

Big cities are working to strengthen their capacity to ...
Recent history has shown that cities are exposed to epidemics and the need to prepare for the worst, such as a pandemic influenza. ...
March 11, 2009
Le Monde